Nikkilovesshinee TAGGED :D


rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them! 

tagged by: Nikkilovesshinee


1. who’s your all time girl bias? Describe them and why u like them: So hard TT_TT But if I have to choose… CL from 2ne1 and Sunny from SNSD. CL cos she’s fierce, talented, hardworking and cool while Sunny is so cute >_< and funny on Invincible youth. Besides, I like her hair.


2. Would you let that girl bias date your boy bias?:D- OF COURSE!!!! It’s not like I’ll ever be able to marry GD, Junho, Onew, etc.


3. What’s your pose u do in pictures?- I seriously hate posing in pictures so all my ones are derp faces or worse.


4. Who’s your two top biases?:)- Of all kpop-dom? Ummm…. DONGWOON (beast) AND CL!!!!!!!


5. OH NO THESE TWO BIASES ARE DROWNING! u can only save one who would u save?- ergh…. CL??? Without her, 2ne1 would be a three member group which would be seriously dodgy. At least beast has another five members.


6. who is more pabo ish.... lee joon, or onew? Deffs Lee Joon. He’s so cute LOL


7. who would u marry outta ur top bias?:D Onew. He seems smart, dependable, sweet, funny and easy-going.


8. If u had front row tickets to your favourite groups concert who would it be, and who would u bring with you? SNSD, 2ne1, f(x), 4minute, Girls Day, Beast, Mblaq, 2PM, Big Bang and IU. I would bring my dad. He’s pretty cool and would be ready to kick people’s asses if they tried to attack me. J


9.  u see your bias laying on the streets in only his/her  under wear do u : leave them there and get them attacked by fangirls/boys or hide them in ur clothes and take them home ? –I don’t speak Korean so I’d have a hard time communicating with them so I’d probs just call the police and tell them that it’s of national security importance.

10.what is the most dumbest/ funniest thing u ever heard an idol say? please say the idols name after revealing the line XD:"‘McDonald’s!!!♥ ″Bara bababa~ I’m lovin’ it~♪″’"- Alexander (former UKISS member)


11.if u could make the avengers using idols, who would be thor, iron man, hulk, black widow, hawk eye, captain america, the eyepatch guy, loki, and why?- Oh dear TT_TT I’ve read spiderman comics but that’s it. I don’t have a freaking clue!


1.      Who is your ultimate boy group bias (as in the whole group)?

2.      Who would you marry out of the group? (MARRY NOT MAKE BABIES) XD?

3.      Ultimate girl group-

4.      SM, JYP or YG? (which artists do you prefer and why)?

5.      Which out of the three companies above would you audition for and why?

6.      Do you think plastic surgery on idols is unacceptable?

7.      Okay, how long have you liked kpop and what was the first song you listened to?

8.      If any of your kpop biases within groups could go solo or form sub-groups, who would you choose?

9.      Favourite songs right now?

10.  What’s your favourite kpop hair? (JIAAAA MISS A <3)?


i tag(by if i talked to u before/ if i thought ur display picture was awesome): 

ice_coffee, daiamegafuru, shannonigan and shawolyssa :D


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