ST☆RS || No Soojin || Application



 No Soojin




AFF Username: dumplingcheeks_

Name: Lee!

Link to profile: here.



Full Name: No Soojin

English Name: Ginny

Nickname(s): Jinnie/Ginny

Age: 21 years old

Birthdate: January 15th, 1991

Birthplace: Chungcheong, South Korea

Hometown: Chungcheong, South Korea

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Languages: Korean; fluent and English; fluent.

Height: 167cm

Weight: 49kg




Ulzzang Name: Park Sora

Ulzzang Pictures: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Hong Eun Ji

Back-up Ulzzang Pictures: [x] [x] [x]



Personality: One admirable thing about Soojin is her boundlessness. She has an endless loyalty to everyone who she considers as her friends. She is like an iPod - one that is rather consistent, straightforward and user-friendly whilst still maintaining sophistication. Soojin, in a sense, is rather 'predictable'. Soojin is also the type of girl that can never say 'no' to people because she absolutely hates disappointing people.

When one meets Soojin, the words "frank" and "lively" are always linked to her. Growing up, Soojin was always taught by her parents to be truthful, frank and to always say whatever it is that is in her mind. Hence, Soojin has developed the tendency to be brutally honest and she is somewhat unmindful of the consequences that she will receive - this makes her come off as a rather harsh person but those who really know Soojin knows that she only has their best interests in mind. One thing that a person should never ask from Soojin is advice. She can give you a pep talk and is rather opinionated in most cases but when it comes to seeking advice from her, ready your emotions. She has the tendency to never sugarcoat things because she believes it's better to get it over now rather than pushing the pain away and hurting even more.

Soojin is a very wonderful friend as well. If you ever need help in anything, she is willing to listen and lend her shoulders for people to cry and lean on. She is a rather sensible and mature person. Whenever someone needs her to be there for them, Soojin would often drop whatever she is doing and would try her best to comfort that person. She has the tendency to be like a mother-hen to her fellow friends/members and would sometimes nag when she feels like they are slacking off. Despite everything, Soojin is actually a likeable and well-mannered girl.


  • Sticky Candies 
  • Polaroid pictures
  • Her Apple products
  • Social network accounts (e.g. twitter, cyworld, etc)
  • Peaches and apples
  • Strawberry jam
  • Children


  • Insects
  • Going out with an empty stomach
  • Getting an hour of sleep only
  • Doing the dishes
  • Really hot weather
  • The feeling of something crawling over her skin


  • Grocery shopping
  • Taking polaroid pictures and hanging them on her wall
  • Going on her social network accounts
  • Collecting movie tickets and writing at the back of the tickets with whom she went out and watched it with
  • Watching American TV series


  • Cleaning her room before she goes to sleep
  • Touching the back of her neck when she gets nervous or embarrassed
  • When she gets excited, she talks so fast people often think she's rapping
  • Drinking a cup of tea and chocolate for breakfast/lunch and dinner


  • Tablo, Yoon Mirae and Tiger JK are Soojin's major influences and role models
  • She can hit high notes easily
  • Soojin has a rather uncanny ability to imitate Xiah Junsu very well
  • Soojin has a thing for guys who have eye-smiles

Background History:Talent runs deep in the family. Soojin's parents were both wonderful lover of music and every weekend, the whole family would spend a day together to just go out and have fun - fun in Soojin's family usually means going to the noraebang and have a singing competition. Ever since she was a little girl, Soojin could always hold a key correctly and since then, her parents would often usher her to achieve her dreams and if she wanted to be a singer, they would support her whole-heartedly. Soojin would often join school talent shows and do street performances and once she was old enough, Soojin began to go for auditions. Her parents are really supportive of her dream and would often help her try to achieve it.




FATHER: No Hwan Hee | 48 | Music Teacher | Alive

MOTHER: Song Ji Won | 45 | English Teacher | Alive

SIBLINGS: No Chaejin | 10 | Student | Alive | Little brother




Tiffany | 23 | SNSD | Best friends

Jonghyun | 22 | SHINee | Best friends


Sunggyu | 22 | Infinite


His Personality: 

  • Passionate
  • Charismatic
  • Humorous
  • Affectionate
  • Understanding

How did you met him: Soojin actually met Sunggyu when she was visiting her parents. Apparently her parents lived in the same building as Infinite though her parents' floor is above Infinite. When she first realized that it was Infinite's Sunggyu in the elevator with her, Soojin felt rather antsy and really nervous - there he was, a guy that she has been a fan of since they debuted and all she could do was keep quiet. When the elevator reached Sunggyu's floor, Soojin actually felt very sad that she did not get a chance to talk to him but before the door closed, Sunggyu introduced himself to her and asked which room she lived in and Soojin immediately told him her parents' room number and Sunggyu smiled at her. 

How do they act around each other: Sunggyu and Soojin are like two peas in a pod. They are quite similiar but they have their differences that seems to compliment both of their attitudes. Soojin gets a little tongue-tied whenever he is around her but she feels very comfortable with him and they can practically talk for hours without any solid topic. Everybody knows Sunggyu as the charismatic leader but when he is with Soojin, at times he would become a choding and would use aegyo with her. When in other people's presence, Sunggy would feel very uncomfortable doing that but with Soojin, he feels like he could be anyone he wants to be.

Back-up Love Interest: Onew | 22 | SHINee




How did you get into SM? Soojin was discovered at the 2005 Open Weekend Audition Casting. It was also the year where she became friends with her current bestfriend, Jonghyun. She did a cover of BoA's Valenti because that song was rarely done in auditions and she made a rap on the spot, after asking someone to beatbox for her.

Training Period 7 years

Stage Name: -

Position: Main Rapper || Sub Vocalist

Back-up Position: Lead Vocalist || Lead Dancer

Personal Fanclub Name: Jintastic (a combination of her name 'Jin' and the word 'fantastic')

Personal Fanclub Colour: Green



Any requested scenes? Sunggyu and Soojin keeps on meeting in the elevator. Both of them want to talk to each other but there's always someone ing.

Password: You were born an original, don't die a copy.

Questions? None, whatsoever! All the best! :)


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