End of the year? TEACHERS DON'T CARE! D:

I don't know about you guys, but for some reason teachers like to give you a crap-ton of homework at the end of the year. I have 2 projects due next week, and if I don't get them in, my grade will probably drop by a whole letter. Fun.

Science especially. Mr. Archibald, my science teacher, is WAAAAY cool, but he's so strict. @-@ I've noticed he's the teacher that causes me the most stress too. Can you believe I have 3 tests I need to take next week too? AND! I'm taking them ALL the same day my projects are also due. UGHHHH!!!! I'm going to dieeeee!!! TT-TT

I thought the end of year stuff is suppose to be funnn!! TT-TT It ! Especially because Jackson.

If you read my last blog post, you'd know that Jackson is this Über cute guy that I've been crushing on like CRAZY! He's SOOO dreamylicious~~ ♥


It's sad because he's a year older than me and is going into highschool next year. TT-TT SAAAADDD!!! Why did I have to start liking him in 4th term? Why? WHYYY!?!!? >A<

That's the worst part I guess. That, and also a bunch of my friends who are a year older than me are also going into highschool too. Waaahhhh.

Ugh. Also, I'm working on making a parody video for my English class. That's probably the funnest thing so far. But it's SOOO HARD!! Mostly because I'm doing most of the work in my group. TT-TT None of them have a video camera or ANYTHING that can record, so I'M doing that part. PLUS! Because I was in the play, they're all like, "OH! Because you can act, you can be the main character!" So, of course, I have the most lines. AND!! I'M the one who's going to edit the video and put it all together because I'm the only person who knows HOW to edit stuff. TT-TT UGGGGHHHHH!!!! And I have to finish this whole project by Sunday or else I can't go to the cast party on Monday. TT-TT SAD BEANS.

Well, enough ranting. I need to save my energy for tomorrow because we're going to be shooting stuff again. Whoopie.

Bye~ Thanks for reading my randomness.

Oh, as for my stories...I'll be updating when I have the time and I'm motivated/bored. Laters~


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