☆ミGeneration Queen☆ミ App form.

Application Form

Who are youu~

Full Name : No Soojin
Date of birth: 22 years old
Nickname: Jinnie - most of her friends call her Jinnie because when her parents usually use 'Soojin' when they are angry at her when she was a kid. Hence, she decided to have Jinnie as her nickname.
Blood type: B
Birthplace: Chungcheong, South Korea
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Ethnicity: Korean

Let me see your face~

Uzzlang name: Park Sora
Uzzlang apperance links: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Back-up uzzlang name: Hong Eun Ji
Back-up uzzlang links: [x] [x] [x] [x]
Height: 167cm
Weight: 49kg

Soojin doesn't usually care what she wears so long as she feels pretty good in it. She has a vast range of style: sometimes she would just wear a white sundress and match it with a faded blue sweater, wear a button-up shirt with shorts but most of the time, she would wear whatever she feels like wearing. Basically, Soojin doesn't actually care what brands she wears but merely the quality. Her style varies but one thing that never changes is her choice of footwear - she adores wearing high heels! Any kind of heels - you name it, she will wear it!

Style links: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

Oh I am Curious YEAH~


One admirable thing about Soojin is her boundlessness. She has an endless loyalty to everyone who she considers as her friend. She is like an iPod - one that is rather consistent, straightforward and 'user-friendly' whilst still maintaining sophistication. Soojin is the type of girl that cannot say 'no' to people because she absolutely hates disappointing people.

When one meets Soojin, the words "frank" and "lively" are always linked with her. Growing up, Soojin was always taught by her parents to be 'truthful' and to be 'frank' and to always tell people what she has in her mind. Hence, Soojin has developed the tendency to be brutally frank in nearly everything and she is somewhat unmindful of the consequences that she will receive - this makes her come off as a rather harsh person but those who really know Soojin that well knows that she only has their best interests in her mind. One thing that a person should never ask from Soojin is advice. Due to her frankness, she has the tendency to say things that she feels is true and she rarely sugarcoats them because she believes sugarcoating such things would often end up hurting said person even more. It's better to get it over now rather than later on.

Soojin is a very wonderful friend as well. If you ever need help in anything, she is willing to listen and lend her shoulders for people to cry and lean on. She is a rather sensible and mature person. Whenever someone needs her to be there for them, Soojin would often drop whatever she is doing and would try her best to comfort said person. She has the tendency to be like a mother-hen to her fellow friends/members and would sometimes nag when she feels like they are slacking off. Despite everything, Soojin is actually a likeable and well-mannered girl.

Likes :

  • sticky candies
  • any type of chocolates - may it be drinks or desserts
  • Polaroid pictures
  • a cup of tea
  • the smell of perfume
  • kittens
  • little children
  • practice sessions


  • Insects - she has insectophobia
  • The feeling of something crawling over her body
  • going out with an empty stomach
  • getting less than 4 hours of sleep
  • running out of chocolates
  • washing the dishes


  • Sniffing her food before eating them
  • Talks really fast when she is very upset
  • She would often release her anger by filling a bucket with water to the brink, dunking her head in the bucket and screaming her head off
  • Cleaning her room before she goes to sleep
  • Touching the back of her neck when she gets nervous or embarrassed


  • collecting movie tickets and writing at the back of the tickets whom she went with
  • Going grocery shopping
  • taking Polaroid pictures and hanging them on her wall
  • practicing
  • Walking through the park


  • She can hit high notes very easily
  • Soojin loves rapping - she spends her free time learning people's rap
  • She has a pet dog which she named 'Keys' after Alicia Keys
  • Soojin would have become a therapist if she did not debut in a girl group
  • Soojin has a rather uncanny talent of being able to imitate Xiah Junsu very well, even up to his famous 'eun kyang kyang' laughter!
  • Her ideal guy is someone who kinda has that cold appearance but is actually all warm inside.
  • Her current ringtone is B.A.P's Zelo's LTE rap in Warrior.

Let me know more about you~

Family background:

Soojin is the eldest child of the No family. She has a little brother whom she loves and adores very much. Born to two wonderful, music-loving parents, Soojin had been exposed to music ever since she was little. Her mother was a part-time wedding singer so whenever there were wedding ceremonies, her mother would always bring Soojin along and that was when Soojin fell in love with music. Her father, althoug he loved music, was not as enthusiastic as her mother was when Soojin expressed her decisions in wanting to become a singer. Her father was really against the idea of her becoming a singer because of all the things he has heard (tough life as a trainee, endless practices, etc) but once she worked her magic on him (i.e. she cried for hours and locked herself up in her room), her father gave in.

Family members:

No Hwan Hee | 48 | Doctor | Alive | Their current relationship is rather strained because he still cannot believe that Soojin is actually pursuing her dream as a singer but he would always try his best to support her in whatever that she does. Their conversations are normally short and awkward but Hwan Hee would always try to be there for her whenever she may need him. Soojin respects her father for she knows how hard it was for him to actually let her go for she is after his 'princess'.

Song Ji Won | 42 | Wedding singer | Alive | Soojin sees her mother as her role model - her inspiration. Her mother is the coolest mother (in her opinion!) in the world. Ji Won never once ridiculed or jested her daughter for wanting to become a singer, instead she would push her (Soojin) in the right direction and is her biggest supporter. Soojin would often ask her mother for advices and what not when she is facing some problems.

No Chae Jin | 10 | Student | Alive | Despite always being busy with training, Soojin would always make sure she visits her little brother and would often try her best to hang out with him. Unlike other people who would often think hanging out with their sisters are lame, Chaejin loves the time he spends with Soojin for they would normally do crazy things that they probably would never tell their mother.

Tell me the secerts~

Background :

Talent runs deep in her family. Soojin was blessed with a wonderful and powerful voice. She would often join school talent shows and does a lot of street performances, singing at the side walks, at subway stations, you name it, she has done it. When she felt like she was ready for an actual audition, Soojin tried to audition for a few companies but when she was recommended to go to CUBE, Soojin asked her mother for advice and at the age of 16, she went to CUBE and got accepted as a trainee.

How many years did you train: 6 years

Life as a trainee was rather challenging and not what she had expected. True she may have had the voice, but she lacked the talent in dancing. Soojin was nearly convinced that she had two left feet and often, the choreographers would scold her for always getting a routine wrong. Soojin was always the proudest when it came to vocal lessons because she could even do a high note when she is sitting on the floor and she is always able to rap whenever needed. There were some people that Soojin could not stand in the class but most of the time, Soojin would spend her time practicing or doing group practices with her friends.

Let get into the stage~

Stage name: Jinnie - it's her nickname and she would love for people to call her that as well.
Position: Lead vocalist, sub dancer
Back-up position: Jack of all trades, sub rapper
Fan-Club name: Jintastic (a combination of Jinnie and fantastic)
Fan-Club colour: Green
Fan-Club symbol: the luck of the irish!

Audition time~

Singing: [x] [x] [x]
Rapping: [x] [x] [x]
Dancing: [x] [x]
Personal talent: [x]



Jung Minyeon | 22 | Trainee | Best friends | She was the first girl that Soojin became friends with. Minyeon has a rather crazy attitude - she exuberate swag and has that badass attitude about her. Soojin could talk to Minyeon about practically anything.

G.Na | 25 | Soloist | Best friends | Soojin has always respected G.Na both as a fellow trainee and a singer. When she wasn't with Minyeon, Soojin would always be with G.Na. She finds G.Na a very nice girl and really hardworking. Gina is just a pure, cheerful person.

Rivals: Gayoon, 22 | Main vocal of 4Minute | They have a love-hate relationship with each other | At face value, GaYoon seems like a very happy and problem-free girl but when it comes to being alone, she is really insecure. She is the only member that likes to ignore what most people say and she finds personal talents very burdensome.

Past lovers:
Kwang Min Sook (OC) | 24 years old | Choreographer | He is a mother's boy, one that loves to hang around girls more than guys. But when he's dancing, he gives out that charismatic feeling. He is usually dorky most of the time and overall has a likeable attitude.


Soojin actually broke up with him because he was getting too clingy to her. He was always talking about their future and how many kids they will have. It's not that Soojin is scared of commitment, it's just that the way Min Sook talks and how he seems to be very confident with how strong their 'love' is scares her. Besides, due to his job and her being a trainee, they rarely contact each other and when they do, it's always Soojin who calls/texts him first. She feels she's the one who wears the pants in the relationship at times.

Partner: Bang Yong Guk | 22 | Leader of BAP | Couple who looks like they are not even a couple

Love story:

Soojin met Yong Guk not long after she broke up with her boyfriend, Min Sook. At that time, Soojin was trying to avoid her 'clingy' ex-boyfriend and in the midst of trying to run away, she accidentally bumped into Yong Guk. Seeing as at that time, Min Sook was not far behind her, Soojin asked him to help her. Yong Guk was actually going to reject her offer but when he saw that she looked really desperate, he decided to play along with it. That was the start of a beautiful relationship. Yong Guk is not the type of guy that likes to show his affections in public, so when they got together, it was really simple. Yong Guk took her out on a date - which consisted of them buying food at food stalls, eating ice cream and ending the date with buying toys for each other - and being the 'action speaks louder than words' type of guy, Yong Guk gave her a kiss that left her knees-buckling.

The closeness of your partner and you:

10 - though they do not usually have time to see each other, both Yongguk and Soojin would always text each other when they wake up or before they go to sleep. When they have longer breaks, they would always spend it by calling each other and just talking about random things. There are times when their relationship gets rocky but what's a relationship without any fights? Most of their fights are usually about petty things - though Yongguk is not one to show his emotions, he gets jealous easily so that's one of the reasons why they would fight. But nonetheless, they are really great towards each other.

How do i contact you~

Username: dumplingcheeks_
Link: click me!

Finishing speech~

Comments: I think the story would be adorable if there were fluff and dramas thrown in here and there!  
Let me love MYUNGSOO 
Suggestion: Not quite sure which concept you like but I have a few songs in my head - My Best Friend by SNSD, Painkiller by SPICA, HuH by 4Minute and After School's Because of You.


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