questions part 6

If gdragon came to ur house with a.....bone......r (lol!) What wuld u do with his little... problem?

Id help him *wink wink*
How many onews does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Errrmm 2?
Does kpop allow non asian ppl to be in bands?

I think soooo
Have u ever had an by just looking at pictures of big bang?

Have you not seen the pic of TOP I have hahah sooooo OH YWEAH LOL
Do u like to sing?

I do but I cant sing well hahah

So u have a signature dance?

Not really

what is one of ur strongest qualities?


Im funny I gues lol

Do u like any inatruments?

The triangle XD

What instrument do u play?

Hmmmmmm hahaha dirty mind kicked in

if u culd play any instrument what wuld it be and why?

Guitar and because it sounds awesome

Why doesnt top ever show his body... i wanna see soo bad! I bet he has a hot body he is juat hiding!!


Have u wtched Rooftop Prince with Yoochun? *he looks soo adorable in it!*

I have *squeals*

What d ou like to do to pass time?

Play the roleplay im in

Do u get the midnight munchies?

Ohh yes fir marmite sandwiches
Do u hate Justin Beiber?(plz say yes!)

I do lol

Do u hate One Direction?(plz say yes too!)

Yeah but I have a crush on louis *punches self*

Where r u from?

If u culd have any super power what wuld it be and why?

I would be invisable  if you get me MWHAHAH

If u had a chance to change anything in ur life or about u wuld u?

Yes I would

Why is being a girl so painful? (IF U NO WHAT I MEAN!!)

Because we are the stronger species

where can i buy a TOP, a Daesung, a Taeyang, a Seungri, and a GDragon? Ive been dieing to have one!!

Hmm tried G-market




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ILuvBigBang #1
Where can i see this shirtless picturebof TOP?
Can u ur elbow?
do u have any special talents?,if u do have special talent what is it?
What is the weirdest dream u ever had?
What was the most embarrasing thing that ever happened to u?
Hav eu ever accidentally called the wrong number and started to talk to them until u realize u dont no them? (Happened to me. I kept saying mom? Mom? Until they said this isnt ur mom... and i got rlly embarrased XD)
Do u hav eany ideas to cure boredom?
Do u have any drama to recommend?
What is ur fav thing about big bang?
Who or what introduced u to kpop?
Hav eu ever told someone about kpop?
What was their reaction?