Just an utterly pointless post

Waaaah, so disappointing.

I came back to the city after spending 3 days in the countryside (no internet connection what so ever) and although I have subscribed to like 24 fics, none of them updated TT_TT

Oh and I got a mail from my penfriend Yukie-chan, but she just wrote that she's too busy to write to me at the moment -sigh-

I feel so alone :[

Well, at least my 28 y-o youtube "penfriend" wrote to me, but he's a pedobear so that doesn't count haha.

Ah, never mind, just felt like I needed to update my so called blog hehe... -sigh-


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Maarja #1
I'm sorry, but I don't know much about bigbang, sooo... I wouldn't understand anything :/
if you sub to me i update like two to three times a day:) jkjk (only twice) but we shud be friends!
Maarja #3
I just realised that I've subscribed to 41 fics, so I don't think that's the problem xD
you need to update to more fics XD