So my friends and I were going downtown in Denver, CO yesterday. First we walk by a squirell and two of my friends are like "SQUIRELL!" My friend Karina looks at me and says "Princess Squirell" and I'm like "BAROOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAIIIIIITTTT!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!" Cause the squirell was running away. Karina was laughing her head off at me and my other two friends were looking at us like 'What the hay?' XDD

Then we were by the Platte River and I'm on the phone with my step mom. I was asking her if my friends could stay over, when we saw the current taking a duck away. It was going super fast and the duck was spinning. Karina was like "Aww! Poor duck." I'm like "Duck?" and look and see it!! It looked so calm, but I was upset so I'm like "SANDUEL!!!!!! COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Karina started laughing again and the other two just rolled their eyes and kept walking. I then went back on the phone and was like "Sorry Janiece. We're at the Platte River. Just saw Sanduel floating away." ><

And then today I saw a squirell, a fat one! My friend Amanda pointed at it and I looked. I'm like "Baro?? Why are you soooo fat???" And Amanda's like "He's been eating American food." I'm like "How did he get all the way here to America??? Does he have a girlfriend here or something who spoils him with treats??" Amanda's like "You never know!" ^^

So now everytime I see a duck I think Sanduel and everytime I see a squirell, I think Baro!!! XD


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