Happy 4th Anniversary SHINee



Okay... let's start from the beggining.


one and a half years ago I was sulking on my desk not wanting to do my homework (it was a freakin italian research okay?) when I came across a friend tweeting about SHINee. I was literaly like... "what the hell?". That friend of mine was spamming mine and her timeline tweeting about SHINee this SHINee that SHINE SHINee SHINee SHINee.


Little did I know, my curiosity took me to a place, a home, a family, called SHINee World.


If I didn't met these 5 shining boys.....I didn't know what would always bring laughter and smile to my life. I don't care how many stupid things you did (SHINee are humans, we all have flaws), but seeing your hard work makes me feel like I to should work hard for life. 


Taemin, I look up to you as a friend of age and oppa (i'm a late 93 :<). You made me fall for you since that very first SHINee video I saw. That boy I saw on the stage dancing his heart out, what else could be more perfect?. I see how you sacrafice your friends, school life, youth, just to reach your dream. You thought me what sacrafice is, and how important it is to work hard for your dream. 


Jonghyun oppa, your passion towards music made me re-realized how great my love for art is. You and I had something in common that makes me feel at ease looking at you. I too left higschool sooner than I thought I would be. But seeing you reminded me to keep going forward for that passion in life that I had since I was little.


Onew oppa, I lost count of how many times you smiled but everytime I see it...it made me felt happy and safe. When ever I see you, I was reminded of not being selfish, be strong, and take care of others. I don't care how many times people say bad things about you being a leader...what do they know about being one? Stay healty oppa, and keep singing your heart out (and keep up the love for chicken too XD)


Key oppa, you thought me how I am not suposed to lie to my self. Be what ever that is I was born as it's waht you are, not what people think you are. You thought me to love your family, and endure the pain to reach my goal.


Minho oppa, you thought me not to give up on something even when people around us didn't agree to it. Your hard work amazed me, even until now I can see your result :)


I... don't even know where to start if I was givena question about SHINee. A sunbae asked me a question earlier this month (she's a cassie) "Why do you like SHINee?" ... why? I though to myself over and over again..."I don't know, I just...........I fell for those 5 boys unknowingly why. I just love them, sincerly." 


I found no reasons not to like SHINee. These 5 shining guys amazed my soul. Even w/ the increasing numbers of boyband in the Kpop community, I can't find anything like SHINee.


SHINee is just.... SHINee


Thruthfully, I will tell my grandchildren about these five guys I fell in love with. I will tell them about a legend that they should know. Le sob...I... still can't believe it's already their 4 anniv. Watching their 3 anniv in my bedroom in Italy felt like yesterday....as if everything was just, few days ago. Time sure pass by sooooo fast. Keep a healthy mind and body SHINee :)



thank you SHINee, for being such a role model for me :)




sincerly, your for ever fans. messyreina.









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