The Rose Mansion - Application


Character name: Skylar Kwon/Kwon Ji Hae
Age: 18(inter) 19(korean)
Birthday: August 18
Ethnicity: Half Korean Half Japanese
Life Story:
She was born in Japan along with her two younger brothers.Her parents were both famous photographers and she really loved her parents.They moved to Seoul when she was 10 and her two younger brothers were 9 and 7.When she was 13 she had her first boyfriend and she really loved him.But one day when it was their 2nd anniversary she decided to surprise her boyfriend when she was 15 and came to his house.But when she got there she found him having with a girl,but not just any girl the girl was her bestfriend.She became a rebel child after that and she started going to clubs and skipping school with her  new friends she also became a playgirl and thought that guys were all the same.Her parents got furios with her because of her continuous partying,sleeping with different guys and going home late so they decided to set her on an arranged marriage with their friend's son.And when she found that out she ran away leaving everything behind.
Describe yourself:
She has long black hair and a perfect S-line.She has 8 piercings and 6 tattoos.She likes to work out so she has abs.She has green eyes and perfect white skin.Her height is 175cm(5'8) and her weight is 54kg(121).
How you got into The Rose Mansion?:
(After 2 years) She was walking down the street from her work in a little cafe to go home to her apartment she was really troubled at that time because her parents found her apartment already and she doesn't know what to do(she found out about it because her brothers told her and she still contacts her brothers).Then suddenly she passed an alley then she found some guys cornering an innocent girl so she decided to help the girl.When she caught the attention of the guys and she said to the girl to run away already and started to punch one of them(she learned self defense when she was still in Japan).And after that she charged on the others and but the others ran away because they were scared of her.But suddenly the guy she punched was still a little bit conscious so he took a little knife out of his pocket and stabbed Skylar on the stomach(but it wasn't too deep) and Skylar became unconscious.Until someone saw it and helped Skylar to her car and brought her to her house and cleaned her wound.And then the next morning Skylar woke up and she found herself laying on the bed with a bandage wrapped around her waist then suddenly someone opened the door and it revealed a beautiful girl and said to Skylar "your awake already" and flashes her a smile.And suddenly Skylar got scared but the girl reassured her that she will not hurt her.Then the girl introduced herself to Skylar "hello I'm Kim Hyuna how about you??" then Skylar answered "I'm Skylar Kwon but my Korean name is Kwon Ji Hae".Then Hyuna asked her if she wants to work for her and live in the mansion and so Skylar accepted it quickly because thought that she can get away hide from her parents. 
Love Interest?:
Amber F(x)


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