finals should be illegal :P

umm so to those of you who have been reading my stories, sorry for not updating in like the longest time. i actually think it's been like a month or something and that is a LONG time LOL. so i do apologize for that but either way, can't blame me for having stupid finals to study for. blame SCHOOL. UGH

school officially ends on the 28th for me so i guess expect an update before then? i didn't want to give you all false hope by updating a chapter with just those words so therefore.... if you to see this.... you know that i didn't die from physical pain but i am currently dying from the mental pain that school is giving me.

man i hate school. we spend like half our lives there and some of the teachers can't even teach correctly. like this i had last year, her final had NOTHING to do with what we learned during the year. made me get a freaking F on my final and ruined my grades. that . she retired but this year, i have another lady just like her this year and i better not fail. or i'm going to go after her. like... i will hunt her down and like.... stare daggers at her. YEAH. THAT'S WHAT I'LL DO. HA! 

LMFAO. okay, i'm going crazy here. anyways, expect an update soon! ^^

(or most likely after the 28th because dude, i am going to need some me time :P)





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finals are everywhere, they cannot be illegal LMAO. KARMA.
oh I see!! no wonder! I kept like checking for an update haha, I hate finals, I had almost all mine, I still have to take a lame math one, but school for me gets out on the 16th, dang what lame teachers, I think we should make it a plan to hunt them and stare daggers haha
luciferius #3
lmao true
LOL ditto >:P