


rule one | post the rules.
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post.
rule four | let them know you tagged them!


I have been tagged within 24 hours...twice. Feel free to tag me as much as possible because I need something to keep me busy besides filling out apps ^^

Tagged by   XjennykimX & Xernie...i only have fourteen friends and twelve of them have been on constantly but the others are...like..dead here on aff...I'll make it work ^^

XjennykimX's questions (I'll answer all of them~)

1. What are you procrastinating on by doing this?

{ nothing since I'm at school....I'm trying not to get caught on the internet while I'm supposed to be taking notes ^^

2. Do you think of North Korean people as a separate entity from South Korea people?

{ well....I really don't know...

3. Saddest moment of your life?

{ well...knowing that my uncle's dog got put down because she had stomach cancer

4. Your ultimate girl bias and why.

{ uhhh....I don't really have one but maybe 2ne1's Park Bom, she's so sweet and pretty and her voice is beautiful, in my opinion ^^

5. Your ultimate boy bias and why.

{ now this is a tough one....uhm...currently it's Jay Park just because I love this boy so much....it changes at least 3..4..5..10 times a day XD

6. How many pillows do you sleep with?

{ one non-fluffy pillow

7. What do your parents think of your obsession/liking of kpop?

{ my parents don't really appreciate it and make fun of me for it so I never talk about it around the house :(

8. Your favorite karaoke song to sing. (Doesn’t have to be korean).

{ I can't sing for my life so I try to stay away from karaoke....

9. Do you decide whether or not you are going to subscribe by its forward and title?

{ sometimes...it depends on what it's about. I'll read the other chapters that are posted..I mostly base it off teasers but some I just automatically subscribe to...like yours!

10. An embarrassing thing that has happened to you recently.

{ well, this has been happening recently....tripping in the hallway...over thin air..XD

11. What do you love about yourself? What do you see in yourself that you think, wow, I would be jealous of someone else had this trait and I didn’t. (Physical or personality-wise).

{ personality-wise; intelligent and the most logical in my group of friends ^^. physical; probably eyes or smile but I like my eyes more :)

12. Do you believe life already has meaning when we are born, or do you think we create meaning as we go?

{ create meaning as we go. but sometimes I believe in fate....

13. Do you see yourself as more of a social butterfly, a loner, or someone very involved in one group? How does it make you feel?

{ a follower in my group. i'll stand up when I need to. I really don't mind it but sometimes I wish I was a social butterfly like my friends

14. Do you wear make-up/dress-up nicely everyday of only on special occasions?

{ I wear clothing that matches the weather (humid=shorts and t-shirt). I wear eyeliner everyday

15. Do you have a tumblr? :D Link me!

{ sadly, no :(

16. What is the color you wear the most? (Clothing, makeup, underwear, whatever... XD)

{ green for makeup and blue for clothing

17. What is the sport/instrument/skill/academic subject you are best at?

{ sport-probably volleyball/ instrument-flute and clarinet/ skill-drawing/ academic-math

18. What is one place you want to travel to, but not live?

{ probably somewhere in south america...?

19. Name two idols you would want to be best friends with, but not date.

{ seungri from bigbang and eli from u-kiss ^^

20. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, how superficial do you think you are?

{ probably...5 or 6?

21. Your iPod/music player is on shuffle. What are the first three songs you get? OR tell me the most meaningful three songs you have listened to and tell me why they are so meaningful.

{ bad girl-beast, super girl (rearranged)-suju & pretty boy-2ne1 are the first three songs that I get when I put my ipod on shuffle

22. If you were an idol, would you want a screen personality that was different from yours or would you want the world to see you as you?

{ I would want the world to see me as me :)

Xernie's questions:


1. Where do you like to go on a date to?

{ I've never been on a date but I would go wherever he wants to take me ^^

2. If you was to choose a member from a boy band who would it be?

{ I can't do that! well, as of now, it would be...JR from JJ Project....god, that was painful..

3. What is your favourite colour?

{ every shade of blue

4. Is there any member from a girl or boy group that has the same personalities as you? If so what are they?

{ I have no idea on this....I hope someone in a group does though

5. Which is your favourite couple of WGM?

{ Leeteuk and Sora

6. Do you like Justin Bieber? XD!

{ oh god, no! I can't stand his voice and I, personally, don't see what's so special about him...

7. Which group is better westlife or backstreetboys? (LOL Bias much)

{ growing up listening to boybands, it would definately be backstreet boys ^^

8. If you werre o choose a member from a group as the best husband who would it be?

{ again, I can't choose but probably donghae from super junior~^^

9 Are you a fan of JJ Project? (I have got to ask this XD!)

{ hell yeah! JYP does good when promoting or debuting groups

10. Which was the first group that brought yu t the K-Pop world?

{ bigbang and 2ne1 with the song 'lollipop'

11. Are youa fan of girl groups? If so who are they?    

{ i like learning the dances but no I'm not a big fan of girl groups. The  girl group that I like the most is 2ne1

okay, I finished anwering all the questons but I don't think I can tag anyone because i only have 12 active friends on here...sorry!


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LOL Your answers are awesome thouh my question is just simple!
JJ! Agggghhhh who can hate them!? You are rIght about JYP!
thelucifer #2
lmao i can't believe you got tagged twice:D and i love the questions that you were asked - i'm a blue lover too^^ i was tempted to tag you in mine too, but i knew you were getting hella tagged so i didn't want to bother you with my questions