Questions and answers Part 5


Should i ask crazy and disturbing questions?

Hahah bring it

Why dont u like Bom? I love 2NE1!! XD

……..she kissed T.O.P plus I just don’t like them :/

whats ur fav food?


What wuld u do if u won the lottery?

Go to Korea and Buy Park Yoochun

If a lost,hungry, and wet puppy or kitten came to ur doorstep what would u do?

Adopt it J

if u poop on the floor and people saw it what wuld u blame it on or what excuse wuld u give?

It wasn’t me….it was her (points at you)

What wuld u do if u pooped/peed ur pants in public?

Hide in a hole with a HOBO

How wuld u explain urself or ur personality?

hmmwell im nice caring and fun loving. I love to dance and have made youtube video’s I also love to draw and well im just strange

Why is Daesung so gorgeous.... same with everyone in Big Bang?

Daesung- I think his nose makes im gorgeous and his really nice calm voice. Also his soft face and his personality

Seungri- it has to be his Panda eyes.. I love them (im not really a fan of him hehe )

Taeyang- well well well he has lovely arms and he looks like a giant teddy bear with a hat

G-Dragon- definatly his personality he is so fun and leaderish I would love him as a older brother

T.O.P- don’t get me started unless you want to buy my new underwear




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ILuvBigBang #1
If gdragon came to ur house with a.....bone......r (lol!) What wuld u do with his little... problem?
How many onews does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Does kpop allow non asian ppl to be in bands?
Have u ever had an by just looking at pictures of big bang?
Do u like to sing?
So u have a signature dance?
what is one of ur strongest qualities?
Do u like any inatruments?
What instrument do u play?
if u culd play any instrument what wuld it be and why?
Why doesnt top ever show his body... i wanna see soo bad! I bet he has a hot body he is juat hiding!!
Have u wtched Rooftop Prince with Yoochun? *he looks soo adorable in it!*
What d ou like to do to pass time?
Do u get the midnight munchies?
Do u hate Justin Beiber?(plz say yes!)
Do u hate One Direction?(plz say yes too!)
Where r u from?
If u culd have any super power what wuld it be and why?
If u had a chance to change anything in ur life or about u wuld u?
Why is being a girl so painful? (IF U NO WHAT I MEAN!!)
where can i buy a TOP, a Daesung, a Taeyang, a Seungri, and a GDragon? Ive been dieing to have one!!