......Are you interested now? :P.....

Do you know what I hate? PROCRASTINATION!

That's what I'm doing right now, procrastinating, but that isn't what I was going to talk about.

Why do people add "...", "!?!?!?" or things like ":D" to their titles?

Yeah, it might make the story look interesting...not!

I haven't seen a lot of that on this site but on the other fanfic sites I go on, it's like a jungle of punctuation-filled titles!

What do I want to do when I see that? I want to "Unscrew your head and put the nails, 'plunk, plunk, plunk' down your throat." (quote from Starship the Play)

Really though, it annoys my head off, for lack of a more polite way to say it.

Is it neccessary? No, it isn't because if your title was interesting than no one would need to see so many periods or whatever in it.

Not that I'm one to talk about interesting titles, I think the most subscribers I've ever gotten for one fic is ?

Evil Maknae's Game Lesson, I don't think it makes people want to click it but whatever.

I actually translated it from my Chinese fics on QZone though so "I bite my finger at you!"... jokes, jokes!

The really interesting titles, in my opinion, like Poisonous Seeds and Angelic Monster have less.

Although that could also be because they each only have a foreword or one chapter.

Your cue to laugh awkwardly!

Bye ~~~

(By the way, adding stuff like "~", "LOL", "^^", "w/" or other stuff like that annoys a lot of people too!)


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Wow. Is that only inthe titles? O.O If not, I'M VERY SORRY!!! T^T I love punctuation marks especially '~' It's addicting.. TT.TT<br />
And yeah, it's weird. I mean it's a TITLE! T.I.T.L.E. Have they seen a book with titles that has so many blabla or whatever?! Aish.<br />
Waha. LMAO. x)
jungminian0403 #2
i hate it too.
kisekitree #3
Sorry if my titles have those, i just need to add the "..." for the awkward silent pauses. I don't really mind the "~" since i do it when i'm too lazy to write it long but having things like "LOL" "^^" "W/" and the emocons "XD" ":D" ":3" in the actual story, not teh authors notes or comments, is really annoying. <br />
I hope this doesn't refer to author notes or comments...since i use it a lot commenting.
i totally agree with you<br />
it completely pisses me off when i read stories that add random emoticons in the middle of their story and even the titles...<br />
if its in their titles, no matter how good the author is or whoever the character is its an automatic pass for me <br />
if its in their story and i already started reading it, i would overlook it IF their writing style is good...if it isn't, i unsubscribe<br />
but i don't read a lot of fics here like that anyways coz there isnt a lot ^^<br />
what site do u go on?