My day a bad or good one?

1. I finally told/yelled my "Best friend" how i feel about our friendship now. We dont even talk or anything anymore. After i told her, i went to the bathroom and cried. She wasnt even taking this ing seriously! WTH. I'm trying but she isnt even "cooperating". fck her already. DONE WITH! GAHH!! *gag* Im going to the  same high school as her!!! >:O

2. My crush/guy who i vent to, came over and i told him what happened:

"Oh. You're caring too much about it"-him

"-sigh- you dont really care do you?"-me

"No not really"-him

"Yeah. thought so"-me

3. I heard from one of my friends that she told her: "She was yelling at me. She was going and going and going"

Yeah i yelled at her but she deserved it. Every second of that talk

5. I really like my crush until what happened today and what happened after school...>too much to say<


sorry, just had to let it out


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If they really don't care about you then you should not care about them. It's no use if you keep on trying to keep this friendship if they don't. The more you try, the further they will go away. It is like two like poles of a magnet being placed together. When one goes near to the other, the other will bounce back. Same logic. If they don't treasure you, they will are not fit to be called your friend and you shouldn't dwell on this type of people. They will only realised they lost an important friend when you leave them. Don't take it too hard. Talk to your best friend again and see if she still is willing to keep your friendship. :)
good one :P