Only One Application

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Username: tylerrbret

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Basic Character Info

Character Name: Min Gi-Su (Trey in the U.S.)

Nickname: GiGi

Age: 19

Birthday: June 29, 1992

Ethnicity: Korean-American

Known Languages: English, Korean - Fluent

ual Orientation: He's down with whatever





Name of Ulzzang: Song Chan Ho

Height: 168cm

Weight: 62kg



Birthplace: Los Angeles - California, United States

Hometown: Los Angeles - California, United States

Background: To say he had a happy childhood would be a complete and utter truth. His family didn't have much but they made do. His father worked hard to provide for them while his mother made a career out of her hobby of styling hair. Gi-Su grew fond of this when he would go to his mother's shop after school and would hang around with her as she cut her client's hair. Gi-Su would listen to the radio and he and his mother would sing to the clients while she worked. It was a happy life, but as he grew older he wanted to sing and to a lesser extent dance. He loved to be praised for his voice and his mother was especially proud that he was able to rap the Korean pop songs that she played on the radio.


Years as a trainee: 4 years

Trainee history: He actually had a rather easy trainee period. In fact he thought it was too easy, or maybe he was just too confident. He didn't feel challenged enough.




The biggest prankster ever, he loves to joke about everything and to get into all sorts of trouble. He loves to grab other people's attention and is also a bit of a perfectionist. He want commit to something unless he knows he can complete it to a hundred percent. However, under the perfectionism and pranks Gi-Su is very meek. He hides is the best he can, but there are times when he just breaks down and he gets very upset. If it were his choice he would rather have someone get mad at him for his perfectionism and pranking than to see him when he is weak. He hates to seem weak.


  • Apples
  • Soda
  • Horror Films
  • Cartoons
  • Carrots


  • Spiders
  • Worms
  • Slobs
  • Most Vegetables


  • Pranks
  • Soccer
  • Cooking
  • Drawing


  • Singing In The Shower....LOUDLY
  • Drawing silly things on EVERYTHING
  • Thumping his cheek while he is in deep thought
  • Gnawing the legs of his glasses all the time
  • Drinking Soda at all times of the day
  • Is wide awake and cheerful at really early morning hours




Family Members:

Paker Miles - Father - The father of Gi-Su who cares so much about his child's happiness that he'd forsake his own to let his boy live out his dream

Min Bo-Yun (Theresa in the U.S.) - Mother - She is a very loving and supportive mother who will to anything for her son including uprooting he and herself from the home in the US to move to Korea to pursue his dream



Not many in Korea and he only had a few in the States that he really talked to that often(Johnny and Emilia, whom he calls as often as he can)

Love Interest: None at the moment, he's focused on his career but he's open to it

Rival: N/A

Exes: N/A


On the Stage

Stage Name: G

Position: Rapper, Sub Vocals

Personal Fan Club Name: N/A

Personal Fan Club Colour: N/A 


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