I got tagged from elfforeunhae xD

i got tagged.. and i'm gonna tagged others back xDD


rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!


from elfforeunhae bb~ xD


1. what do you think about eunhae?
- they are ing hot!!!!!!!!!
2. do you think eunhae is real?
- they are forever REAL!!! even Hyukkie and Hae already admit it! xD
3. do you want eunhae to be real? XD
- of course i want!!! even i don't like gay at all.. but if the couple is EUNHAE, i forever agree!!!!
4. whats your reaction if eunhae is getting married?
- omg!!! omg!!! yes!! yess!! and let me attend their wedding!!!! and someone need to lend me their video camera so i can record the most precious wedding in the world!!!!!!!!
5. have you attended super show?
- yup! SS2 Live In Malaysia 2010.. that was the precious thing that happened in my life..i can see them with my own eyes...even not that close.. ya know...i'm not that rich at that time to buy the expensive ticket for clear views..hehehehe
6. suju's song that is addictive to you?
- marry u.. i forever love this song..everytime i listen to it..i feel like they proposing me.. *giggles* and also no other.. i freaking love the MV...so sweet!!!
7. who do you want to be with if you can choose one of suju member to go to theme park?
- Of course my ultimated biased!!KIM HEECHUL!!! but..but..but.. can i ask more? I want Heenim,
Hae, was his favorite dongsaeng, so he can bring him together right? so..Hae, wont leave his baby Hyukkie.. then i got 3 of them!!!! my ultimate top 3 biased!!!! ok ok.... i know.. KIM HEECHUL is the right answer xDD
8. i wanna love you or oppa oppa?
i wanna love you!!!! their dance was freaking hot and y!!!!! me dying xDD
9. do you read fics? kkkkk
errrr....i don't wanna answer..can or not? heuheu...hahaha.... yeah!! i read those fic!!! but only SJ OTP...hehehe oh...plus 2Min also xPP
10. your favourite OTP?
who else...it's our Donghae and Eunhyuk.. i don't mind who tops though.. coz both of them so freaking hot!!
11. what do you think about me? (just want to know XD)
- oh please... gimme your brain.. i want it to continue my fic.. ehhehehe... i love your writing.. it's simple and easy for me to understand your fic..and also.. even we never meet, i bet you are cute in person because your writing shows some of your trueself.. xD
1. tell me about yourself more..xP
2. who is the person you love the most after you family?
3. what is the most precious thing ever happened in your life until now?
4. who is your ultimated biased?
5. other that SJ, who's other kpop artist you like?
6. have you ever fall in love with someone? different gender or same gender?
7. which one you prefer the most? Eunhae or Haehyuk?
8. what is your reaction when someone talk something bad about our oppa in front of you?
9. what kind of genre you like the most? ? fluffy? comedy? angst? or else?
10. switchgender fic.. you read or not?
11. do you know me? if you know.. how did you know about my present here? LOL.. i just wanna know xP
all person that i tagged below... answer neh? neh? neh? *blink2 my small eyes* hehe..
2. crazy_gurl 
6. farahee 
7. sujueunhae 
9. s3xyangel7 
10. EunSyaHae 
11. EunhaexLove 


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farahee #1
1. tell me about yourself more..xP
<hm,I'm 20 and I love history and politics>
2. who is the person you love the most after you family?
3. what is the most precious thing ever happened in your life until now?
4. who is your ultimated biased?
<kim heechul and(I have 3 biases actually) sungmin and hyukjae>
5. other that SJ, who's other kpop artist you like?
6. have you ever fall in love with someone? different gender or same gender?
<so far,no>
7. which one you prefer the most? Eunhae or Haehyuk?
<hard to decide.>
8. what is your reaction when someone talk something bad about our oppa in front of you?
<feel like wanting to slap her/him>
9. what kind of genre you like the most? ? fluffy? comedy? angst? or else?
<the first three>
10. switchgender fic.. you read or not?
11. do you know me? if you know.. how did you know about my present here? LOL.. i just wanna know xP
<know nothing about you.but,I read your fic 'As Long As Your Heart Know Me'>
1. tell me about yourself more..xP
ok..from malaysia, my name farah...hahaha...obviously...addicted to k-pop
2. who is the person you love the most after you family?
hihihi...my k-pop collection..and my fic even no one read it..
3. what is the most precious thing ever happened in your life until now?
hahahaha....too many...no space for it babe...
4. who is your ultimated biased?
waaaa....SUJU?? MY BELOVED LEE SUNGMIN....waaa cute...
5. other that SJ, who's other kpop artist you like?
6. have you ever fall in love with someone? different gender or same gender?
if it consider love..yes..
7. which one you prefer the most? Eunhae or Haehyuk?
haha..i prefer haehyuk.but hell i care, if they together that more than enough
8. what is your reaction when someone talk something bad about our oppa in front of you?
9. what kind of genre you like the most? ? fluffy? comedy? angst? or else?
light .angst with happy ending
10. switchgender fic.. you read or not?
yup, but normally i found hae is girl..
11. do you know me? if you know.. how did you know about my present here?
your fic..and if i not mistaken you are my readers...sorry if i am wrong
1. tell me about yourself more..xP
erk... should i answer this? btw, since u ask... i'm your hubby... lalalala...

2. who is the person you love the most after you family?
neorago~ my wifey, _eunhee89 XD

3. what is the most precious thing ever happened in your life until now?
too many... but the most precious thing happen whenever i'm with you... *winks*

4. who is your ultimated biased?
LEE DONGHAE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5. other that SJ, who's other kpop artist you like?
SNSD, TVXQ, Shinee, 2PM, Miss A, FT Island <--- like this kpop artist but not as much as i love SUPER JUNIOR!

6. have you ever fall in love with someone? different gender or same gender?
yes... do you still need the answer? XD I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, WIFEY!!! *chu~*

7. which one you prefer the most? Eunhae or Haehyuk?
BOTH!!! I don't ing care who top or bottom... 'cause for me eunhae is ing flexible... and both of them can bottom and top! XD

8. what is your reaction when someone talk something bad about our oppa in front of you?

9. what kind of genre you like the most? ? fluffy? comedy? angst? or else?
fluuuuuufffffffffffffffffyyyyyyyy.... i like cutey cutey story like you... lalalala... out off topic... sometimes, like too... i'm innocent... *blinks*

10. switchgender fic.. you read or not?
noooooo... i can't stand reading my OTP being a girl... i prefer them being a gay and each other...

11. do you know me? if you know.. how did you know about my present here? LOL.. i just wanna know xP
duhhh... since you're my wifey, of course i know who you are... XD
1. tell me about yourself more..xP
i love cute n romantic things <3
2. who is the person you love the most after you family? -my fiance XD
3. what is the most precious thing ever happened in your life until now? --that *cough* proposal thingy
4. who is your ultimated biased?
lee donghae XD
5. other that SJ, who's other kpop artist you like?
i like everybody,lol. i don't know many of them but i love 2ne1's songs
6. have you ever fall in love with someone? different gender or same gender? --yes,,my fiance XD
7. which one you prefer the most? Eunhae or Haehyuk?
i love both~~ nevermind who tops
8. what is your reaction when someone talk something bad about our oppa in front of you?
i told tem "that's because you don't know anything"
9. what kind of genre you like the most? ? fluffy? comedy? angst? or else?
fluff~ and crack fic
10. switchgender fic.. you read or not? prefer not
11. do you know me? if you know.. how did you know about my present here? LOL.. i just wanna know xP
kkk~ of course i know,,n u always support me with your comments <3
So cute you XD
I keep smiling to read your answers haha XDD
Awww unnie. XD
The answer for my last question, thanks :D I really need feedback to improve my writing :)
And I still waiting for your fics XD
Muah~ kkk
kkkk let me anwer this in your comment box XD
our trueself.. xD

1. tell me about yourself more..xP
i'm an introvert person to be honest, people might think i'm a cold person, but as you know me farther i'm actually a fun girl lol
2. who is the person you love the
most after you family? my besties <3 they are the best!!
3. what is the most precious thing
ever happened in your life until now?
there's a lot but i can't remember all of them X))
4. who is your ultimated biased?
5. other that SJ, who's other kpop
artist you like?
2NE1, Bigbang
6. have you ever fall in love with
someone? different gender or same
of course i have :)) it's different gender
7. which one you prefer the most?
Eunhae or Haehyuk?
as long as those two included, i'm okay with it hehehe
8. what is your reaction when
someone talk something bad about
our oppa in front of you?
keep calm and wait for the right time to talk back wisely 0:)
9. what kind of genre you like the
most? ? fluffy? comedy? angst?
or else?
I read all of them but I love fluffy the most :3
10. switchgender fic.. you read or not?
i read them sometimes, it depends who's the character and how's the plot
11. do you know me? if you know..
how did you know about my present
here? LOL.. i just wanna know xP
eh? kkk i don't really know you.. but we are friends here kkk hope to know you more dear~ <3