Thoughts on Fashion King eps. 20

So i just finished watching Fashion King. And im sooo confused!

So i was just sitting on my laptop wondering when they would say "I LOVE YOU" and live happily ever after but then out of no were BOM! He gets shot!


I know a lot of people hate the ending but i like it! All Korean Dramas are kind of predictable. But when i saw this one i was totaly shocked!


And i did get a little teary eyed when he got shot!

I think im starting to understand the ending! But i'm still not sure who sent the killer.

I think it was her who sent someone to kill him. I mean look at her, she has a little smile on her face when she hears the gun being shot! She was even waiting for his call. I think she sent Jae HyukGa to kill him. The killer was tall and had a good sence of fashion. And were was her Jae HyukGa while she was talking to Young Gul


To everyone who hated the ending! I'm kind of laughing at you.


Don't hate me, it just everyone is all like "This ending " and here i am liking the ending. Am i the only one who liked the ending?


Here's the link to Fasion King!


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