"░ ★ panacea ┇ No Soo Jin


oh my beautiful target

username ; dumplingcheeks_

profile ;  

activity level ; 10, because I have no life.



zoom zoom my heart like a rocket 

character`s name ; No Soo Jin

nickname ;  Jinnie

international age ; 19

birthday ; June 13th, 1993 

place of birth & hometown; Chungcheong, South Korea and Seattle, USA

nationality ;  Korean

languages spoken ; Korean and English 


juliette i`ll give you my soul 

appearance ; [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

ulzzang name ;  Park Sora

height ; 168cm 

weight ; 103lbs

casual fashion ;  Soo Jin doesn't usually care what she wears so long as she feels pretty good in it. She has a vast range of style: sometimes she would just wear a white sundress and match it with a faded blue sweater, wear a button-up shirt with shorts but most of the time her casual attire consists of shorts, shirts, sundresses, sleeveless tops with fish-net sweaters. As for her footwear, regardless of what she is wearing, she would often match her attire with high heels.

[x] [x] [x] [x] [x]

sleepwear ; Soo Jin's sleeping attire mostly consists of oversized shirts, tops, sleeveless shirts, shorts and silky pajama pants. Most of her sleeping attire are matched in style and in colour - she somewhat has this odd habit of buying the same piece of clothing in three different colours. Her sleeping attire is merely simple and 'normal'. 

[x] [x] [x]

formal attire ;  Soo Jin is the type that loves wearing dresses and dolling up. She usually doesn't care what brand she is wearing but she is more into the rather eye-catching dresses.

[x] [x] [x] [x]

dorm fashion; Whether Soo Jin is outside in public's eyes or inside with her fellow members, she would always make sure she looks presentable. She would always be seen wearing shirts that has doodles and cartoons on it and she is always wearing shorts. Normally, when she is in the dorm, she usually walks around barefoot. Only when she is training or practicing does she wear her sneakers.

 [x] [x] [x]

extra ;  Soojin actually has a pair of huge nerdy glasses (x) but she rarely wears them outside of her dorm. She only uses them when she has to train or needs to read. She has a small mole that's situated just slightly above her right collarbone.


bounce to you bounce to you 

personality trait ; extravertive, lively, boundless, frank, witty

personality ;  

"Extravertive, lively, boundless, frank and witty" are commonly the words that are attached to Soo Jin when one first sees her.

One admirable trait about Soo Jin is her boundlessness. Though she might be tied down to the company, Soo Jin does not let the company rule her but instead she compromises with the company. She has an endless loyalty to everyone who she considers as her friend. This trait of hers is usually the one that makes her be at a rather uncomfortable situations most of the time. Soo Jin is the type of girl that cannot say 'no' to people because she hates disappointing people. Therefore, it is also due to this trait of hers that she is often taken advantage of but Soo Jin merely takes it in with open-heart and to sum it all, Soo Jin likes helping people, regardless of whatever is thrown at her face.

When one meets Soo Jin, the words "frank" and "lively" are always brought up. Growing up, Soo Jin was always taught by her parents to be "truthful" and to be "frank" and to always tell people what she has in mind.  Hence, Soo Jin has developed the tendency to be brutally frank in nearly everything and she is somewhat unmindful of the consequences that she receives. This always gets her in trouble as well: this makes her come off as a rather harsh person and often misunderstood. Though Soo Jin has learned when to be frank and when not to be frank, i.e. she starts subtly implying things. One thing that you should not ask Soo Jin is advice. Due to this trait of hers, whatever she says has the tendency to be rather blunt but if you like sugarfree words, you are welcomed to ask Soo Jin for advice. Soo Jin is also a lively girl - she has this vast amount of energy inside of her - one that she loves to share with people around her.

Soojin is a very wonderful friend. If you ever need help in anything, she is willing to listen and lend her shoulders for people to cry and lean on. Soo Jin is definitely the girl to go to if and when you need someone to help you confront a problem, she always has something witty to say and never fails to amuse people with her wits. At times, she just does that unconsciously. Soojin has her times when she can be rather sensitive, especially when she is in her time of the month. She would tear up even at the smallest things and that's when she gets more witier. Overall, Soo Jin is a well-mannered girl though she is not, by any means, perfect.

likes ;  

  • sticky candies
  • any type of chocolates (whether it be desserts or drinks)
  • her social network accounts
  • tidbits
  • Polaroid pictures
  • lame jokes
  • a cup of tea
  • the smell of perfume
  • children

dislikes ;  

  • insects - she has insectophobia
  • the feeling of something crawling over her skin
  • going out with an empty stomach
  • washing the dishes
  • getting less than 4 hours of sleep
  • running out of chocolates

hobbies ;  

  • updating her social network accounts
  • taking pictures and hanging it on her walls
  • baking tidbits or desserts
  • she loves going grocery shopping
  • talking to her members in English - that is her way of helping them

habits ;  

  • She has the tendency to talk to herself when she gets annoyed (it's a quirk that she has done since she was a little girl)
  • Sniffing her food before she eats them
  • When she accidentally curses out loud, she would often end up pinching herself
  • Soo Jin has a rather odd way of releasing her anger - by filling a bucket with a lot of water, dunking her head in and screaming her lungs out
  • Before sleeping, she would always make sure her room is clean
  • Soo Jin has the tendency to babble when she gets nervous, which rarely happens, but when it does, prepare to lose a few pounds!

trivia ;  

  • She can hit high notes very easily
  • Her version of rapping is normally her talking really, really quickly
  • She can imitate Xiah Junsu perfectly, even his famous 'eun kyang kyang' laughter
  • Soo Jin lost her first kiss to a fish (because she was dared to!)
  • She has a pet dog, in which she named 'Keys' after Alicia Keys
  • Her current ringtone is T.O.P's "wow, fantastic baby"
  • Her ideal guy needs to have a wonderful smile, adorable eyes and has good vocals.
  • If she did not debut in a group, she would be a therapist - one that specialises in ASD (autistic spectrum disorder)


baby stay with me ,

biography ;  Growing up, Soo Jin has always been taught to be frank and to always work for what she wants. Seeing as she was the only child at that time, she didn't have any problems with anyone in the family. As a little girl, Soo Jin was always a curious one and she has somewhat of a touch-complex. Her first childhood dream was to become a rich man's wife because of all the luxuries that she could afford. Her father would often laugh and call her 'rich man's wife' because of this but when she first saw Whitney Houston performing on TV, she immediately fell for performing, hook, line and sinker.

When she first expressed her idea of wanting to become a singer, her father was quite wary but supported her nonetheless. Her mother, though harebrained she may be, gave her an advice that Soo Jin has never forgotten up to this day - "Things that you get easily will always disappear easily too". At the age of six, Soo Jin began to join school talent shows and once she dominated the talent shows, she started doing singing competitions and street performances.

When her brother came, Soo Jin was the first one to always dote on her brother - to be by his side whenever he cried, needed someone to change his diapers and what not. Soo jin has been an only child for so long that she would always offer to help her parents with whatever they needed her to do. During her free time (i.e. when she's done with school work, practices and what not), she would go to her brother's room and often talk to him and tell him to be a good child when he grows up. Her parents find this very adorable and as they grew up, Hyunoo would often trail after Soojin and sees Soojin as his role model.

Overall, her childhood was a rather joyful one. She did not have any bad experiences (other than typical child tantrums!) nor did anything bad happen to her family.

family background ;  

No Hwanhee | Father | 50 years old | a diplomat in the Korean embassy in America | He is a very-laid back father, one that lets his children do whatever they want so long as they are happy with doing it. But he would always make sure they stick to whatever they are doing until the very end.

Shim Soo Jung | Mother | 46 years old | a full-time housewife | She is rather hare-brained and sometimes a tad bit eccentric. Though she sometimes act like that. when she has to be strict, she is even scary than getting a F for a very big important test. Otherwise, Soo Jung is a very supportive mother though she nags most of the time, unlike her husband.

No Hyunoo | 9 years old | a student | Hyunoo is the typical little brother - there are times when he can be really annoying and spoiled but being the youngest in the family, Hyunoo believes he is entilted to do so. Hyunoo and Soojin have a love-hate relationship with each other. Sometimes they would fight like cats and dogs but other than that, they are usually very nice to each other. Hyunoo is the only person who can piss her off easily.


break me off a piece of that chocolate pie ,

group position  jack of all trades

stage name ;  Soo Jin.

stage personality ;  Soo Jin turns comepletely into a different person on stage - she kinda has this alter ego when she goes on stage - her femme fatale side. She is more fun and sensual when she is on the stage - that's the time where she really gets loose and more aggresive in her movements. One stage, Soo Jin becomes a total party girl regardless of what concept the group's songs are.

stage persona ;  The part-time Femme Fatale. She is the part-time Femme Fatale mainly because this persona only comes to her when she is about to perform. Her ability to lure people in with her voice and her talents is what makes her a femme fatale. She makes full use of her body and her voice to make sure that people are left wondering about her.

singing ;  [x] [x] [x]

rapping ;  [x] [x] [x]

dancing ;  [x] [x] [x]


even if i hide, i twinkle ,

first idol friend  Yang Jiwon | Jiwon | SPICA

friend`s personality ;  24 years old | Jiwon is very patient and acts like a big sister to Soo Jin. Jiwon, in Soo Jin's opinion, is very mature and wise. Though she may seem quiet, she is actually very talkative and loves to tease Soo Jin.

how you met;  At that time, it was Soo Jin's first time doing grocery shopping and since she has never shopped in a korean store before, she didn't know what to expect. So when it came to choosing which milk she was supposed to buy, she stood by the fridge and stared at the milk. Jiwon happened to be grocery shopping as well and when she had finished paying, she realized that Soo Jin was still in front of the fridge so she decided to help her out. They bonded over dairy products.


idol crush ;  Kim Sunggyu, Infinite.

relationship ;  the first time Soo Jin met Sunggyu, she accidentally blurted out that he was as cute as a hamster to his face. After that fateful day, she would at times get flustered whenever she is around Sunggyu. 

personality ;  Sunggyu is normally seen as the charismatic leader on stage. But off stage, he has a rather warm and playful side. He has his times where he would crack jokes and act cute and like a child. He actually lets s bully him but he is very supportive of s and loves each of them dearly. He knows when to be playful and when to be serious with s.


rival ;  Krystal, f(x)

why ;  It's mainly because Soojin feels people often compare her to Krystal seeing as they are from America and speak English and Korean fluently.  

relationship ;  Seeing as both of them are from America, they see each other as friendly rivals - one that would always find something to best each other in. It's a rather healthy competition, between them. Soo jin actually respect Krystal as a senior.


omfg you finished this behemoth ,

anything extra  hopefully, not! This is really interesting, I kinda like your idea and I can't wait to see how you will develop the story further. It took me quite a while to pick out which bias i should use and I also didn't know if you'd do younger/older relationships and that sort but anyways, regardless of whether I get choosen or not, I shall anticipate this story!

password ;  


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Hi ~ you forgot to write your character's biography ^^