Tagging Game

I was tagged by prettyflowergirl^^ My dear friend, I hope you enjoy it^^

1. Rate your skills between 1 and 10, then rate mine in between 1 and 10. (1 being EW! IT'S NOT BEARABLE and 10 being SUPER DUPER AWESOME PERFECT!)

  We are talking about writing, right? Because mine is like a 5 and yours is like an 8 or 9!

2. Your Favourite Manga and/or drama. (If there is none, your ultimate favourite singing group and your favourite song :O)

  How did you know I read Manga :O Uhh my favorite would have to be Anima+ or Chobits! My favorite drama is Boys over Flowers

3. One thing you could live without, and one thing you can't live without.

 Could live without: Hm.......... I think I would have to say people at my school xD Just kidding. I could live without coffee~

 Can't live without: Music. Definetly. I would die if I didn't hear it atleast 18 hours of the day~

4. Out of curiousity...I want to think know what you think of me as a person X) I always find it interesting since everyone's answer is ALWAYS different.

  You are really funny and I love you <3

5. The stupidest thing you've seen and the stupidest thing you've done.

  My brother xD Uhhh no, the stupidest thing I've seen is fanwars! I don't understand why people who like one girl group bash on another girl group or compare them to other groups.

  I've done? Hmm..... Walking down the stairs at 3 am, in the dark, thinking nothing was on the steps and falling down 5 or 6 stairs... OUCH.

6. "You're Beautiful? What the heck is that?" This should be easy...which drama is this from?

   Is it "You're Beautiful" Because this is one of the dramas on my 'To See' list!

7. The dumbest drama in the world!!! (My opinon is Dream High was pretty useless...)

  Hm.............. I don't know. There is some useless ones, but I can't remember their names xD

8. The type of fanfiction and/or drama you hate the most (I hate rated stuff...they're always SO erted....).

  Ummm.... I don't like :( Also I don't like the people who write the story and it's like "Omg! He looked at me! Im so happy! Ok writ know I go to c u." and stuff like that -_-

9.What type of persong gets on your nerves the most

  The person who is just so preppy and won't leave you alone.....

10. Do you get along with your parents?????? :O WELL, DO YOU!? LOL :)

  We have our differences (like career) but usually we get along..... about 30 days out of the year xD

11. If you were to choose one pathetic and stupid thing to do that you've always wanted to try, what would it be?

  In my opinion, Sky diving is stupid, but I would love to try it! But I mean what happens when both chutes don't go off?


Do you know a lot about me now? I hope so~!


So my questions:

1. Why did you accept my friend request on her or send me a request?

2. What is your favorite color and design? (like plaid)

3. Who are you favorite 5 groups in all the music you listen to? Would you recommend any of them to me?

4. How long have you lived for where you live currently? (So like I'm 14 and I've lived where I live for 7 years)

5. What is your favorite thing to do in the whole world?

6. Is there anything that you have been ignoring or procrastinating on? (I've been ignoring people^^)

7. What is your mood today? (Happy, sad, ect.)

8. Would you hang out with me if we lived near each other?

9. Have you ever been to a K-Pop concert? (Me, no. I saw the live feed of the MBC one though on YouTube!

10. What word do you hate the most?

11. What group(s) do you hate/dislike in all the music you listen to?

12. Why did you do this for me? (It was really nice of you to do it though :'> )


Thank you for taking the time to do this^^ And please let me know when you have filled it out~

People I tagged:

1. Ashbleebaby

2. kixinahearts118

3. lovly39

4. iHeartJoKwangmin

5. mikiclara

6. --bubbletea

7. MelodiJ

8. MiYounGirl12

9. BBIPYG4ever

10. JRoberts1218


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