Feeling Unloved

Okay so, has you all know, well whoever reads these, knows that there's been this guy. Well, I'm feeling really unloved right about now and being lead the on. Okay, so the guy is a football player and we've been spending some time together. Him and me have been thorugh some drama in the past and also went out before. He asks me to go to his practices. I went Monday and I went today. Well, me and him didn't walk home together like we would. I was waiting and waiting for him till finally, he drives by in a car. Wow, okay. You could have told me that you were getting a ride and everything was going to be alright. It's not like you didn't see me or anything. You walked right past me too. I went to practice today so I could talk to him about something personal. I also wanted to apologize about something I said the day before. But things didn't go as plan. So, as I was walking, I notice the car that he was in parked in the football parking lot. Okay, well this is weird, maybe I'm just imagining it. Nope, it was him. The moment I was close enough his step father rolled down the window. Okay, well, wow. Just keep on walking. I wasn't bothered but I was like, "What the ?" The car started as soon as I was in front of it. Okay o.o I sort of acknowledged him and went on my way. So, when I was pretty good down the street which was about 4 to 5 blocks away from him, I turned around and saw the car turning. Okay, well this is weird.

While I was wating for him, my friends that are friends with him were like "Oh hey, you waitng on Dylan? Well, you better talk to him because he was flirting with this girl named Canada in 8th period." Okay, well, he flirts a lot anyways. I just shove it off and said, "Canada? That's a country." 

So, how can you go from being toatally into me and wanting me to be with you, to, I don't ing know you? 

I just don't know anymore TT^TT I really love him and I want to be with him and try back at something that I destroyed. I'm really confused and heartbroken. -sigh- I just want him.


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I know o.o Then after I did this he told me "Hey, I just want to let you know that I don't like you more than a friend" Mother of fudger! Then I balled my eyes out that day and the next. Also, I was PISSED. I saw him with the Canada girl and I started punching and yelling at o.o He saw me too o.o Butbutbutbutbutbut the following day.... you know what? I'm making another blog xD
*sad face* AWWWWW. THAT'S TERRIBLE. Jackie told me about this a few days back. I'm so sorry. Argh. That's depressing. .-.