Tagged Again~ x3


Tagged by: simplysuju


1. Favourite Youtuber?

 - Treetopfan

2. What social networks do you have?

 - Sorry, but I can't answer to this, because of  language barrier ( feels stupid xd )

3. Can you make me a sandwich bish? 

 - No xD

4. Whose side were you on for the Block B controversy?

 - I'm not fan of Block B so I didn't took any sides.

5. Ultimate bias ever?

 - Park Boomi~ *o*

6. Laziness scale of 1-10?

 - 10!

7. What color are your eyes?

 - Brown

8. MapleStory anyone?

 - I can't think of anyone .. ~

9. What electronics do you have?

 - Um, MP4, cellphone, laptop, computer and I think taht's it.

10. Fatness scale 1-10?

 - 1, I think o.O

11. How many times have you been tagged?

 - That's my second time~


My questions:

1. Wich KPOP company you dislike and why?

2. Your favourite drama?

3. Your favourite actor/actress?

4. The song you're currently obsessed with?

5. The song with the best dance?

6. The best girl vocalist?

7. The best boy vocalist?

8. Do you want Jay Park back in 2PM or you think it's better that he's solo artist now and why?

9. Is there an idol wich you dislike and why?

10. With wich idol do you want to go on a date? x33

11. Your favourite book?


I tag: Sherry94, Nielsluv, tomorrow, YoonMi, AegyoPrince, huntress, That-One-Writer, iamtango and magnae


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1. Wich KPOP company you dislike and why?
Cube Entertainment - becuase they made 4minute (not a fan)

2. Your favourite drama?
Mae Ri Stayed Out All Night

3. Your favourite actor/actress?
Kim Jae Wook

4. The song you're currently obsessed with?
Tick Tock (Out of Time) - U-KISS

5. The song with the best dance?
Warrior - B.A.P

6. The best girl vocalist?
CL - 2NE1

7. The best boy vocalist?
Jung Daehyun - B.A.P

8. Do you want Jay Park back in 2PM or you think it's better that he's solo artist now and why?
I think he's doing better as a solo artist. I don't really know much about 2PM and I didn't know of Jay Park until Nigahiga's Bromance video.

9. Is there an idol which you dislike and why?
HyunA. I know that her y icon image is forced on her but I really can't stand her in general. She just has this effect that pisses me off.

10. With wich idol do you want to go on a date? x33
Yoo Youngjae - B.A.P

11. Your favourite book?
The Magic Faraway Tree