The Edge of the World Application!


Username: AmyL09

The Contents

Character name: Jung Mi Ra

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Appearance: She is 165cm tall and weighs 55kgs. She has a long black hair with full bangs. The tip of her hair are color blue. Her eyes are a bit big which disappears when she smiles truly. Her nose is slightly pointy and her cheeks are a bit chubby.


   ~Ice Cream

   ~Cold weather

   ~Talking to dead people


   ~Night time





   ~Hot weather

   ~Her parents, especially her mom

   ~Being lied to

   ~Her powers

   ~Noisy people




   ~Other people knowing about her powers

Hobbies/ways they relax: She would talk to dead people who were her only friends. If she was to trust someone, it would be them. She also becomes relaxed when she's near water. Water makes her feel safe.

Ability: Medium Ship; Able to talk to the dead, and Phasing; able to become intangible and allows her to levitate.

Trust level: 4- It's really hard for her to trust someone. She would always say she couldn't even trust her own parents, how can she trust others...

Personality: Mi Ra can be really cold to people. She would do anything to make them ignore her. She won't talk to them or even look at them. If someone talks to her she would act mean so they would go away. She's scared that someone might find out about her powers and fear her. At first she only acts like that to normal people, but she got used to acting like that and now acts like that to everyone. This is the reason why she doesn't have any normal friends. The only friends she has are the ghosts that was with her ever since she was a kid whom she trust. To those ghosts, she is very friendly and honest. She can be friendly and honest too others too, they just have to make her trust them which is hard. Before Mi Ra knew about her powers she was a bubbly, friendly and playful girl. When you get her to trust you, that is what she would become. If she had no choice she would talk to people; like if she had to ask for directions. Mi Ra is very cooperative. She's not the type to be too stubborn for a simple thing she has to do but when she really doesn't trust a situation or an idea, she will be stubborn. A person has to talk to Mi Ra a lot to make Mi Ra not act cold to them. Mi Ra isn't used to being talked to but if a person talks to her multiple times it would make her feel comfortable. But even if Mi Ra feels comfortable with a person, she doesn't really trust them. 

The Chapters

Parent’s names: Father -Jung Heechul 

Mother -Jung Soo Yeon

Parent’s backgrounds: Her father, Heechul, was one of the kids that was involved in the experiment. Her mother, Soo Yeon, was a model and didn't knew about the experiment or Heechul's powers. They had their first child,  Jinyoung, when they both were only 19 years old. Unfortunately, Jinyoung died when he was only a year and few months old due to a fire in their old apartment. Heechul was at work while Soo Yeon was at their apartment taking care of Jinyoung, The firemen was only able to rescue Soo Yeon who had fainted because of the smoke. When both Heechul and Soo Yeon became 26 years old, they got married and had their second child, Mira. 

Parent’s power(s): Heechul can talk to ghosts and become intangible but not levitate like Mira.

Other family: Jung Jinyoung is Mira's deceased older brother.

Friends: Her only friends are her brother Jinyoung and some other ghosts.

Childhood: Heechul grew up knowing about the experiment which was hard for him. He tried to come back to his family but was rejected. He even thought of giving up his life because he felt that he would only cause harm to people. He was buying food in a convenience store when a woman in a business suit went near him and offered him a modeling job. Heechul accepted the job and there he met Soo Yeon who was clueless about the experiment. 

Mi Ra dreamed of having supernatural powers when she was young. Her mother, Soo Yeon, only played along with her and didn't show any disagreement or hard feelings with the thought of her daughter having supernatural powers. When Mi Ra was 5 she started seeing ghosts. Jinyoung, Mi Ra's brother (Who somehow got to make his appearance look like what he really should look like if he was still alive), was the first ghost to show himself to Mi Ra. But he didn't introduce himself as her brother but as a friend. She told her parents about it but Soo Yeon only shrugged it off believing that it was normal for kids to see ghosts but Heechul knew that Mi Ra's powers were starting to develop and he was getting nervous for he did not know how Soo Yeon would react. But he couldn't hide the fact that their daughter had a supernatural power from Soo Yeon. She found out when the 7 year old Mi Ra suddenly walked through a wall. Soo Yeon was furious. She couldn't believe that her husband lied to her for more than 10 years. Mi Ra didn't know she had powers until her mom tried to murder her by setting their house on fire. Fortunately, Heechul got home on time and saved Mi Ra. Since then Mi Ra became afraid of fire. After the incident, Soo Yeon and Heechul had a divorce. When Mi Ra found out her mother was the one who tried to kill her, she became mad at her mother. Heechul then explained to Mi Ra that she had the ability to talk, hear and see ghosts, and walk through walls. Heechul at that time didn't know that Mi Ra could also levitate. Heechul also explained to Mi Ra what happened to her brother. Heechul's explanation didn't make Mi Ra feel better. She felt like she was dangerous and unaccepted. It was then that she started to hate herself and her powers. She felt that it was her power's fault that everything wrong in her life happened. She thought her life was useless and dangerous since she couldn't remove her powers. She started to be cold to everyone to prevent hurting them. She felt that it was hard to trust anyone since the two people a child could trust betrayed her. The ghosts and her brother were the one who kept her company. When she was 11 she found out she can levitate when she woke up and she was floating on her bed.

Ambition: Mi Ra doesn't really dream of anything. When she was a kid she dreamt of having supernatural powers, but now that she does, she doesn't really like it since it caused her mother to leave her. She found out about her powers at a young age, but not from her father whom she got the powers from. But from her mother who couldn't accept her powers. After her mom left she felt dangerous. She thinks that her powers might harm people and she stopped dreaming of a future job. She just goes with flow until her life ends.

The Plot Twist

Bias: Minhyun

Parents: Both of his parents were part of the experiment. His father's father is one of the scientists that did the experiment. 

Power: He can manipulate water and ice. He can make water into ice and ice into water. He got his ice power from his mom and water from his dad.

Childhood: His father's father was a very brilliant scientist who was one of the cognizants. He volunteered his own son to be an experimentee. His father met his mother who was also an experimentee, there.  

Relationship to your character: They just met each other.

Personality: Minhyun is the type of person that if he was a teacher, students would love him. He is very outgoing and friendly but serious when he needs to be. Unlike Mi Ra, he believed that he can do something good with his powers. He doesn't give up easily. He doesn't get mad easily, but if you mess with the people he cares about, he won't let it off so easily that he might just use violence. Minhyun at first thought Mi Ra was weird since he saw her talking to herself when she was actually talking to ghosts that Minhyun could not hear or see. When Minhyun showed of his power, he saw Mi Ra smile and he thought Mi Ra was very mysterious and interesting. That made him want to know her.

Reaction: Mi Ra didn't really notice Minhyun until he showed off his powers which was water manipulation. When she saw the water Minhyun was manipulating she couldn't help but feel relaxed and safe. When Minhyun tried to talk to her she acted cold at first but she became comfortable around him after a while. For some reason (Water) she felt safe around Minhyun and felt like she could trust him.

Back-up bias: JR and Aron

The Storyline

Are you okay with your character being made a villain?: Yeah~


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