Trial. Tell me what you think. :3

Prologue: Letting Go of a Star



It is one simple word yet it comprises of a great deal in it. A lot of people need it. Others want it. People blinded by this want to obtain it and use it for themselves. It is because of this, why a war blossomed between the two opposite sides of the world.



Thousands of footsteps roared along the hallways and they tried their best to stay still and to not make a sound. As soon as the soldiers got away, Lao poked his head out and checked for any upcoming danger. When he was sure that the coast is clear, he grabbed his wife's and son's hands and running as fast as he could.

"Bába, where are we going?" Fan asked but his father ignored him and continued dragging both him and his mother. He turned to his mother as she just warily smiled at him and tightened her grip to their family's youngest member.

Lao turned into a corner and after looking around he nodded towards his family. XianChai looked down at their daughter who's peacefully sleeping despite the noise and chaos that surrounds them.

"Lao, I....I can't"

XianChai gulped and held their daughter closer to her chest.

Lao softened and place a hand on his wife's shoulder,

"We have to.It's for her safety. And besides, I know they will take care of her." Lao gazed at their daughter and squeezed XianChai's shoulder trying to reassure her. Fan just stared at his parent's when a figure came into his sight. He tugged on his father's shirt and pointed at the stranger who seemed to be expecting them.

"Daehyun." Lao softly whispered as the man nodded.

The adults had a conversation while Fan stayed a step behind. He can tell by the looks of his mother that something is totally wrong. He looked back  at the alley from which the soldiers were previously following them. He sighed and abruptly looked up when he felt a hand rested around his shoulder.

"Take good care of her." Lao said as XianChai warily handed their daughter to their friend.

"Don't worry, I'll treat her as my own." Daehyun reassurred as the two nodded.

XianChai grabbed something from her pocket and gave it to their child. 

"This will remind you of us, my dearest daughter." She whispered and bent down to kiss the child's forehead making her slightly stir from her peaceful sleep. XianChai caressed her daughter's cheek before stepping back and nodding at Daehyun.

"Go. Before the time runs out." Lao commanded and Daehyun disappeared in a flash.

Lao enveloped his wife into a hug as she collapsed into his arms trying to supress the pain of being away from their daughter.

"Bába, why did you give my mei mei to that man?" Fan asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

"It is for her own good my son." Lao said trying to avoid his son's questions.

"But she is our family! Not them! How will that be good for her?!" Fan shouted making Lao look away.

"We'll explain when the time comes my son." Lao inhaled deeper as XianChai finally cried in his arms. Fan was about to protest but stopped and sighed. He didn't have a single clue of what's going on and seeing his mother cry in pain, he decided to leave the issue alone and not to argue with his father.

Everything that happened made him a lot more confused for nothing made sense. Why would they give away his sister when they can protect from them? A question which lingers in his mind and promised himself that someday, he'll figure everything out.

He stared at the man's disappearing figure and unknowingly clutched on the necklace that hung around his neck.



Woot Woot! how's it? xD this is actually the prologue of a story i am working on. A collab story actually. It is about Exo (K and M) with 6 girls. well, all of the characters in the story have super powers. :3 Did you notice the names on this prologue? they are chinese right? it's because it is about Kris and how he got separated from his sister which is the main character of the story.xD so can you please comment something about it so that we can still improve it. :3 Thank you~ 


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I will support u!! It was nicely done!!
Wow, great job squirrel! :)
Good luck on writing it!
I'll support you, although I'm not very familiar with EXO members xP
helloharto #3
And you told me you couldn't write. ._.
I like this. Continue, bby. :D
aerokinesis #4
Then Fan is Wu Fan right xD
Sounds interesting.