As you wish... Application~



Name : Lee Bo You

Nicknames : Yuee

Age : 16

Date of Birth : July 19

Kingdom : Luna



Personality : Bo You is the type of person you would want to be friends with but at the same time gossip about. She is very nice to everyone she meets. She is polite to those who are older than her. She can be very playful and bubbly to her friends. She knows when to be serious and when to be playful. She is very forgetful but always makes up for it.

              Bo You is a very intelligent girl. She believes that intelligence is better than violence. She is very straightforward; she would say how she feels straightforwardly, even if it's bad or good in a calm and polite tone. Bo You doesn't get mad easily, but when she does she's not afraid to fight. 

Likes :


   ~Night time


   ~Playing the piano


   ~Listening to other people sing


Dislikes :

   ~People who cares about their appearance too much




   ~Dirty or Messy surroundings

Habits :

   ~Bites her lip when she's about to laugh

   ~Sighs when she's about to get mad

   ~Humms when she's bored

   ~smiles when she's lying

Hobbies :

  ~Playing the piano 


  ~Walking around they're garden at night time


Fears : Fire, Heights

History of me : When Bo You was born her father was disappointed since he wanted a son. Her father became more disappointed when he found out that her wife couldn't get pregnant anymore. It took a while but soon her father accepted her as the next ruler of Luna. Bo You was raised in a calm and happy atmosphere. Her mother and father always made time for her. Bo You knew that her father wanted a son. Even though her father shows that he's happy when he's spending time with her, she could still see the sadness in her father's eyes which sometimes make Bo You guilty. Her mom taught her how to be a perfect princess. Everything was perfect, except that she wasn't allowed to leave their castle without her parents. Her father was too protective of Bo You. Bo You sometimes felt that maybe if her father had a son he wouldn't be too protective. But she understood her father so she didn't complain.    She was taught by a professor everything she needed to know. She was happy inside their castle but she couldn't help but become jealous when she hears stories from other people about the outside of their castle. 

Why do I wish to start a new life? : Bo You was never allowed to leave their kingdom for it was too dangerous. She was a very intelligent girl but she believed that she still didn't know much. She felt that her knowledge was limited. She wanted to see the world outside of their castle and discover new things. She thought that the war of the 5 kingdoms was stupid. In her opinion, the only way to have peace between the kingdoms is to treasure what your kingdom has and respect the rights of another kingdom or in other words don't be jealous of the other kingdoms. But she knew that no one would listen to her, which is why she thinks it is useless for her to rule. She thought that if she was a commoner, she could have discovered new things and she didn't have to deal with the 5 kingdoms' problem. She never complained or ran away for she respects her ancestors and parents.



Name of ulzzang/model : Park Soo Yeon

Appearance : o | o | o | o 

Backup ulzzang/model : Kwon Su Jeong

Appeareance : o | o

My favourite gown/dress : O| O | O | O | O



Parents : Father- Lee Yoo Su

Mother- Lee Yun Jae

Siblings : none

Bestfriends : Oh Hayoung (A- Pink)

How do they act? : Both Hayoung and Bo You are known as quiet and polite girls. But when their with each other they become really playful. Hayoung is the only person Bo You can tell how she really feels about the war and her wants of having a nromal life. Bo You treats Hayoung like her sister since she doesn't have any siblings.



Hi there sweetheart, the name is Kim Myungsoo. I'm 19 years old. My princess, I come from the kingdom of Gemma. Have me met before? Yes.

I remembered the first time we met. It happened 4 months ago when I sneaked in your kingdom's castle and I saw you walking around the garden. I remember how we used to act around each other. We would tease each other and I would brag about my appearance while you tell me that appearance isn't everything. I'm just your friend.



Do you want to get to know me? : ZE:A's Man 2 Man and Heart for 2, Infinite's Can U Smile :D

Comments : 

Anything else? : Good Luck with your story and Hope you like my character! ^^


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@Kpop_cute_derplover Thanks! ^^
LoveableEXOTIC #2
Hope you got selected my dear ^^ Good luck ! :D