100 Facts about Ai_Dami

Ninja'd from: BeautifulHangover  
Here's somethings about me so people can get to know me. If you got any questions after reading this, feel free to ask I guess. :] Have a nice day[or night]! <3 

1. Name: [Real name] Yuki

2. Nickname: Onigiri-chan, lazybug,..sleepyass xD..(stupid Jason >W<)

3. Birthdate: May 2

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Primary school: College Francais (in the past, Beijing Normal High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University..long name in English Dx)

6. Elementary school:  Allenby, Brimwood, St Clements, John Fisher, John Marshall Elementary

7. High school: Soon to be North Toronto Collegiate Institute

8. Hair color: Black and dyed brown with some blonde

9. Long or short: Short xD

12. Phone or Laptop: I like laptops..but mom took it to Beijing so just a phone T___T

13. Health Freak: Not really

14. Orange or apple:  Juicy oranges and sour apples!!!

15. Do you have a crush on someone:  Not at my school or anywhere 100 km near me xD

16. Eat or Drink: Um, what kind of stupid question is that? You have to do both to survive, . [Loved her answer so I left it there. XD] (HAHA! LOVE IT! LEaving it ~)

17. Piercings:  1 in right, 2 in left

18. Pepsi or Coke: Coke..but I like sprite! and red rain..:3


19. Been in an airplane: Yup.

20. Been in a relationship: no.

21. Been in a car accident: no

22. Been in a fist fight: Actually..yes:O

23. First Piercing: 12

24. First Best Friend: none..xD never stayed in one place long enough

25. First Award: Piano..or was it soccer..maybe ballet? :O

26 .First Crush: .......

27. First word: ...chinese.. can't type chinese right now but pinyin is "pei!"

28. ...question is gone because someone doesn't have it :P

29. Last friend you talked to in person: ..umm...*thinks* oh yeah! David xD

30. Last friend you texted: Maude!!

31. Last friend you watched a movie with: ..my bro?

32. Last food I ate: star fruit<333

33. Last movie you watched: ..I think Angry Birds Rio xD

34. Last song you listened to: *lemme check* BEAST Break Down

35. Last thing you bought: Snack

36. Last person you hugged: ..idk?



38. Drinks: caramel ice presso from Second Cup

39. Bottoms: skinnnies

40. Flower: Deadly Nightshade

41. Animal: Kitties, turtles, chickadees...dogs, horses :333

42. Colors: Blue and..grey and peach ^^

43. Movie: ..Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

44. Subjects: It used to be art..but now? English.


45. Fallen in love with someone: Yes. Once and still am I believe.

46. Celebrated Halloween: Yup!

47. Had your heart broken: Yes, once.

48. Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone: TEXTS!! :O...not my fault I don't understand beijing xD

49. Wanted to smack someone upside the head: YES!!!

51. Eaten a whole standard sized pizza: How would anyone be able to do that? :O

52. Tried to do something, but couldn't succeed: Yeah, like back flip xD

53. Did something I regret: yes?

54. Broke a promise: Yes.

55. Hid a secret: Yes.

56. Pretended to be happy: yes..

57. Met someone who changed your life: Yes.

58. Pretended to be sick: noo..I've exaggerated though?

59. Left the country: YES<333

60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: yes..eggplant lasagne xD

61. Cried over the silliest thing: mhmmm

62. Ran 5 miles: yawh..

63. Went to the beach with your friends: mhmm..

64. Got into an argument with your friends: YES

65. Hated someone: still hate him..and her..and him..and her..and xD

66. Stayed single: YES


67. Eating: nothing

68. Drinking: my spit?

69. Listening to: BEAST - Soom

70. Thinking about: Hurrying to finish this and sleep and new story ideas

71. Plans for today: sleeping and homework..

72. Waiting for: when I can go back to beijing


73. Want kids: No.

74. Want to get married: No.

75. Careers in mind: IT designer or judge/lawyer,


76. Lips or eyes: lips and voice x3

77. Shorter or taller: taller! :O

78. Romantic or spontaneous: a nice blend..^^

79. Nice stomach or nice arms: umm..both :3 I tried once and definitely both! :333

81. Hook-up or relationship: I prefer neither atm..?


83. Lost glasses/contacts: nope

84. Snuck out of a house: nope

85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: nope

86. Kissed someone before: nope

87. Broke someone's heart: probably not, who'd like me? xD me.

88. Been in love: Yes.

89. Cried when someone died: Yes...


90. Yourself: sometimes

91. Miracles: no.

93. Heaven: depends on my mood, the day, people, what I just read/saw/thought..yeah..

92. Love at first sight: no.

94. Santa Clause: ...no.


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now?: Yes but he's far away and she's far away in the same city as them xD, mom and lvoe

98. Do you know who your real friends are?:  nope.

99. Do you believe in God?: sometimes.

100. Would you change something in your life?:  ...No, because I wouldn't know what to change. What if I change it for the worse? These are times where I believe in fate and God, they know best! ^W^


[A/N]...THAT"S ALL! Read it? Liked it? Know me better? Hate me?


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"16. Eat or Drink: Um, what kind of stupid question is that? You have to do both to survive, . " LMAO. Gahd! To the one who answered this question, I so love you~ !! Waha. x))