15 minute survey

Starting time: 6:16 (EST)

Name: Bria Nicholle

Brother(s): ---

Sister (s): 1 - 14 years old

Eye Color: Medium Brown

Shoe size: 7 1/2-8

Hair: Light Brown, Dreadlocks

Piercings: Ears

Height: 162.5 cm/ 5’4’’

What are you wearing right now?: White v-neck, gray sweatpants

Where do you live?: Savannah

Favorite number: 5, 13

Favorite drink: Strawberry Lemonade

Favorite month: December, October, July

Favorite breakfast: French Toast or Crab Eggs Benedict

-Have You Ever-

Broken a bone: No

Been in a police car: No

Fallen for a friend: Yes...you have no idea...

Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time: Yes

Swam in the ocean: Yes

Fallen asleep in school: Multiple times XD

Broken someone’s heart?: Yeah but it wasn't my fault...completely

Cried when someone died?: Yes

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No

Saved e-mails: Haha only the funny ones...or the super important ones

Been cheated on: Not really because we weren't officially together


Your room like?: Decent sized for me. It's yellow, full sized bed and space large enough for me to dance to my kpop XD

What is right beside you?: My sister, my phone, my iPod

What is the last thing you ate?: 2 Sugar cookies

-Ever Had-

Chicken pox: Yes

Sore throat: Yes

Stitches: No

Broken nose: No

-Do You-

Believe in love at first sight?: Yes

Like picnics?: Yeah, I wanna take a date on one


Did you last yell at?: My sister

Who was the last person you danced with?: My roomates

Who last made you smile?: Pictures of my family

-Final Questions-

What are you listening to right now?: U Move U Rock Me - Benny Benassi

What did you do today?: Absolutely Nothing ^____________^ WHOOO Summer Break!

Diamond or pearl?: Pearls...they're so precious

Are you the oldest?: Out of me and my sister, yes. Out of my friends, no. I'm the youngest actually (maknae hehehe)

Indoors or outdoors?: Depends on the weather but I really enjoy being outdoors

-Today did you-

Talk to someone you like?: No

Crush like? No.

Kiss anyone?: No.

Sing?: Yeah...ireoke nan do~ fiction in fiction~

Talk to an ex?: No. THANK GOD

Miss someone?: Yeah

Ate? : Yes, those 2 cookies.

-Last person who-

You talked to on the phone?: My mom

Made you cry?: My first love

Went to the movies with?: My friends, Leo, Juwan, and Alyssa

You went to the mall with?: Leo, Juwan, and Alyssa

Who cheered you up?: Kikwang, Dongwoon, Yoseob and Junhyung

-Have you-

Been to Mexico?: Not yet

Been to USA?: I live here...


Have a crush on someone?: Yes...but then again when do I not... :/

What books are you reading right now?: I haven't read any books lately...only fanfics

Best feeling in the world?: Chillin out and not having to worry about doing work

Future kids names?: Girl: Noa Renee (or Charley or Emmy or Myla), Boy: Rolyn Mykale (pronounced Meh-kay-el)

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: No

What’s under your bed?: Shoes

Favorite sport(s): Ping Pong and Dancing

Favorite place?: I have too many...

Who do you really hate?: I don't hate people but there are a few that I really REALLY loathe

Do you have a job?: Not yet

What time is it now?: 16:43

I don't own this. I stole this from a friend who stole it from someone else lol

Will credit later


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