Glamazon ——— ☆ Application / 황 진주



Username: Kimjade
Link to your profile:


Name: Hwang Jin Ju  황 진주  
Nicknames: JinieJu, Pearl, JJ
Age: 24 (K) 23 (I)
Birthday: 21 April 1989
Orientation: Straight

Birthplace: Seoul
Hometown: Itaewon-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Languages: Korean: Fluent; English: Conversational/Business ; Japanese : Learning/Basic


Ulzzang name: Jung Roo
       Ulzzang picture:    

Back-up ulzzang: Do Hwe Ji
Back-up ulzzang picture: 

Style Description: JJ likes classic style with some flirty fashion mixed in. She isn't big on lots of accessories and sports a natural face most days. She wears what ever catches her fancy at the time. "Style is ever changing" she likes to say, so you never know what she might wear, but it will surely never disappoint.
Style pictures:

Laid Back:    
Bed Time:   

More about you

Personality: JJ's personality is a bit contrary. She is nice, but mean, funny but serious, and she is sensitive yet uncaring. It all depends on the situation she's in at the time. She can be cold, but passionate at the same time. Everything about her is a contradiction.  She readily helps others out with their problems, but refuses to tell others about her own because she doesn't want to be a burden to anyone. Many people that know her say she is a sweet girl with a loving heart, but she takes a while to 'get'.
Like an ocean tide that's always changing, she is never stagnant. She can be up-beat and joking, but what lies underneath may be brooding and thoughtful. She has a hard time showing her true self to people and finds it hard to trust, even though she tends to take things at face value. See, a complete oxymoron. Even she has a hard time understanding herself. She has a forgiving nature and wise deductions so she has little to worry about, even though that seems to be all she does anymore is worry. She lets little things go, but can hold a grudge forever if you do something to embarrass her publicly. She has many faults, but acknowledges them and is trying to work through them and become a better person.

 Background: (I will tell you my real history then, but it may still sound like a drama.)
She was born to an already broken family.
Her Mother and Father married when JJ's half-brother was only seven. Her Mother had been in an abusive marriage to Young Min's father, who was a drunk and gambled away everything they had. He was killed in a car accident leaving behind his wife and child to the creditors.
   JJ's mother had to work three different jobs to pay back the money and Young Min had to care for himself. At the age of six that was nearly unheard of but there was little they could do. JJ's mother then met and dated a man that turned out to be JJ's uncle. JJ's Mother and Father met through the relationship she had with his older brother and they fell in love, or so they thought. So her mother broke it off with her uncle and married her Father. (See I told you it was like a drama. It is all true too.) A year later they had JJ, when her brother was nine. They had hard times and lived in many different places. Some places were small and dingy, other places JJ actually got her own room. For years they lived in slums or in actual houses, taking care of other peoples property for them, or running a resort as managers. Her mother always worked two jobs no matter where they were and her Father always begrudged her for that. He was a lazy man with little to no ambition and he resented his wife for making him look bad.
He began abusing them after JJ turned six. Verbally to the children and physically to his wife. when JJ turned eleven they moved into the house her Mother still lives at to this day. It was the first stable place JJ had ever been, thanks to her mother saving every won she could. JJ's parents never showed at parent teacher meetings. She was that kid with the too busy to be concerned parents. But it didn't effect JJ like it did others. She never turned to vices or rebellious behavior. She worked hard in school but always had lower marks thanks to her Math average being so low.  She struggled through school due to that and bullying from her classmates. She never had any friends and was always alone during lunch. She grew to embrace her solitude and learned to like it.

Things went on this way until she turned twelve. Then she wanted to become a performer. Her mother finally listened to her pleas and got her into piano lessons and dance classes. She worked hard to be the best and gave a piano recital only six weeks into her lessons. Her teacher was amazed at how quickly she took to the music and they soon found out that JJ could remember the lyrics  of a song she'd only heard a few times before and sing it back flawlessly, if a little out of tune. So she decided to pursue this as her career as well as her dream and she began auditioning. At this same time her brother joined the military and moved away, leaving his sister behind to find his own way. He met and married a woman of American birth while living in Incheon . Her mother disapproved strongly and still tot his day hates the woman. JJ, on the other hand, thought there was no one better for her beloved brother.

At the age of sixteen her mother and father got a divorce. Her Father went back home to care for his ailing Father and take over the family business. A few months later JJ's Grandfather died of cancer. Her Grandmother then had a small and her Aunt moved in as well to take care of her. Soon after their divorce JJ's mother married a man ten years younger than herself. It was a bit of a scandal around the neighborhood. JJ didn't care, things like that didn't bother her a bit. She liked him, he was nice and supportive, the first real father figure she'd had. She really trusted him, but he betrayed that trust when he started coming into her room at night or early mornings and touching her. She found out abut it one day because she awoke when he entered her room, and she played like she was sleeping. It destroyed any affection she'd felt for the man and she told her Mother about it and got a slap in the face for "lying". 

This is a big reason why it's so hard for JJ to trust people. Later he was caught cheating on her mother with a younger woman and they divorced, leaving her mother even more of a harpy than before. She hooked a guy a mere eight months later and married him, with out even introducing him to her children. He was a harsh man whom she couldn't talk to and they are very tense around one another. JJ's mother doesn't even really like that man and married him for what she thought he had, which was money. Turns out that the man was really tight fisted and he doesn't give her anything. She did get a new car but he hardy lets her even drive it, making her take the bus instead.  At this time her Grandmother had another and passed away after months in the hospital, with JJ and her sister-in-law taking care of the woman while her own children went on with their lives.

JJ moved out and went to live in the dorms once her Mother had re-married so she now has to listen to her mothers complaining phone calls all hours of the day now. She doesn't get to see her brother and sister-in-law as much as she'd like but they keep in touch.
A year ago her Father was diagnosed with ALS, a nerve disease that slowly kills it's host, and he passed away. They knew it would happen because there is no cure, and JJ forgave her Father for everything that had happened in the past. She had his ashes  interred in a memorial site, as was her filial duty, but she was ashamed at the vulture-like tendencies of her family after his death. JJ was left with only a few pictures and his glasses, but with an awareness she didn't have before. Family wasn't always a good thing. She no longer speaks to that side of her family.


• Thunderstorms: they always seem to calm me, center me, because they are like an outward manifestation of how I always feel inside
• Swimming/ the ocean: again it calms me, sometimes it is the only thing that can
• Art: I draw, paint, write, dance, sing, play piano, all forms of art and they allow me to express myself where my feeble words won't
• Animals: I love to be around animals of all kinds, I like to take care of something be it large or small they are all adorable to me
• Sleep: because I get so little of it

• Cigarette smoke: I can not breath if I smell even a hint of this, my lungs lock up. Strong smells are hard for me to take I have a sensitive nose.
• Hospitals: Due to my past I can not stand hospitals or the smell of them. I equate them with death and I hate losing people.
• Bugs: If they scurry, dart or fall/jump on me I will scream I don't care what kind it is. I hate things moving towards me at a quick rate of speed.
• Cleaning: It takes me forever to get the urge to clean. I like a tidy home and all, I just hate the process. (but once I get started I don't stop till it's done)
• Egoists: I can not stand people thinking they are better than anyone else. Vain people also irk me, "I mean how long do you have to stare at yourself aish!"
• Waiting: it makes me way too anxious and I really dislike feeling anxious

- Arts as mentioned above
- Learning new languages
- Reading
- Listening to music and learning their dances
- Watching dramas, anime and YouTube on the internet

- I bite my thumbnail when I get anxious
- I twirl my hair all the time unconscious habit
I bite my lip if I am waiting for something
- I ruffle my hair with my right hand after I yawn then scowl at myself for messing up my own hair

• She may hate death, but she's okay with dying, She doesn't fear it, only accepts it as an inevitable.  
• She can’t drink any soda, so she only drinks water
• She hates milk
• She has a sensitive sense of smell
• She takes really good care of her hair, more so than her skin  
• She has an obsession with GACKT
• She eats fried chicken like Onew eats fried chicken
• She loves eating ice cream
• She doesn't like chocolate
• She adores fuzzy kittens
• She loves the smell of strawberries but not the taste
• She drives like a race car driver
• She will laugh aloud at your fear when you ride in the car with her as she drives
• She has a sadistic streak
• She really wants to be on stage to prove herself
• Her favorite color is cobalt blue
• Her favorite animals are horses
• Her favorite group are actually Big Bang
• Her idol bias is Jaejoong (trust me she has never told Yunho that!)

Her favorite Shinhwa member is Eric Mun and she is friends with him on Twitter

Social life


Name: Hwang Suk Do (Deceased) 황 석   
Age: 54
Relation to character: Father
Personality: Disenchanted with life, he was a rude man with little time to care for his family. He ignored his children and verbally abused those around him mainly his wife and daughter. In the end he still claimed to love his wife, yet he never realized/admitted to what he'd put his child through.
How do they get along?: While he was alive they rarely spoke. It was a tense relationship at best.



Name: Lee Jang Mi   장미 
Age: 57
Relation to character: Mother
Personality: She wears a mask for the outside world of being pleasant, affable, things that she most certainly isn't. She is a bitter woman dissatisfied with life. She hardly has anything nice to say about someone and makes talking to her an unpleasant experience. She is racist and rude in front of her daughter.
  Jang Mi might have been lovely but she has let her life ruin her. She only thinks about money now-a-days. She doesn't even really like her husband.

How do they get along?: Strenuous is the only word to describe them being together. It takes everything in JJ to not say something about her mothers attitude. 



Name: Bang Young Min  영민 
Age: 32
Relation to character: Half-Brother
Personality: He is a laid back fellow with an affable personality. He is easy to talk to and get along with. He helps people out when he can, though he is a bit disappointed with his Mother he still cares for her and he adores his sister. He has a temper, and will physically fight someone if they insult his family. He has a lot of pride for his country and family and tolerates no slur against either one. A loyal and caring man to those he trusts, and unforgiving nightmare to those that cross him, he is idolized by his little sister.

How do they get along?: Devoted to each other and all they do, there is distance between them but they always protect one another. When they are together he teases her and she lets him. They are always smiling, even if they hardly say anything to each other. Completely comfortable together.

Name: Isadora Jacobs (Isa)
Age: 33
Relation to character: Sister-in-law
Personality: Charismatic to a fault, she is sweet tempered and easy going. She is one who makes it easy to talk to and lightens the atmosphere around her. She is like a ray of sunshine without being happy/happy all the time. She is wise beyond her years and quick to give advice or help someone in need. A bit of a know-it-all but still sweeter than honey water, she gives off a sense of peace and fluidity. She's groovy man

How do they get along?: Great. JJ treats her as if they are real sisters and introduces her as such. They always talk and give each other advice and support. JJ, who has a bit of a brother complex, wouldn't have picked any one else for her brother to marry.


Best friend.

Name: Lee Soon-Kyu (Sunny) 이 순규 
Age: 24
Personality: Bright and fun to hang with, but she does have a temper that will make chills crawl up your spine. She can be pretty silly but she is a fun person to talk to and she is helpful, respectful and kind. Someone who will stand up for what she believes in and up to bullies for her friends sake.

How do they get along?: Amazingly they act like sisters. They will fight and make up, tease each other and talk about guys and go shopping. Sunny gets annoyed by JJ when they are around Yunho from TVXQ, and JJ has seen the tongue in cheek bit more times than she can count, but they always laugh at each other after a while. JJ always gets irritated when Sunny does her aegyo bit but she just acts like shes choking to death on her cuteness behind her, making others laugh at their silly play.



Name: Choi Jin Ri (Sulli) 최 진리 
Age: 19
Personality: She is sweet, bright and fun to be with, but she can be thoughtless and careless as well. She really lives for the moment and takes you along for the ride. She can get a little big for her britches but she is always smiling.

How do they get along?: Good. Sometimes Sulli forgets she is younger than JJ and JJ has to thump her or something but they hang out like good friends and support each other. They are comfortable with each other and both calm the other down as well as energize the other. It's fun to watch them interact because they play around like kids. Sulli keeps JJ young. lol


Name: Lee Jin Ki 이 진기 
Age: 24
Personality: Sweet and unmistakably caring, Onew is a word unto itself. He is thoughtful of others and supportive. He may have some dork like tendencies but he really thinks about things and finds refreshing ways to combat worries. He always brings the smiles with him when he enters a room.

How do they get along?: Like a caring brother and sister. Even though Onew was born after her, he treats JJ like his little sister and watches out for her. He does the same with others and that makes her let it slide. Otherwise she wouldn't tolerate such a thing. They goof off together and act like children sometimes. She seems to have a boosting effect on his sangtae, and she also develops a streak of clumsy when ever she's been with him for very long. Everyone always knows when JJ has been to see Onew when she trips more than usual and says weird things in the middle of a silence.


Name: Jung Yun Ho 정 윤호 
Age: 27
Personality: Cool and calm, he takes his job seriously and makes time to practice. He is responsible and stressed all the time. He acts cold and yet goofy at the same time. He has a fun side to him when he is comfortable and can be really caring and sweet. He takes care of his juniors in the company and shares his opinions and advice readily to help them out. Very supportive.

How do they get along?: They are indifferent to each other most of the time. Some might not believe they are even friends, only working in the same company. Yunho treats JJ coolly and with a calm disposition and speaks politely to her all the time. She treats him like her Seonbae and never gets too close but sometimes they will annoy one another and Yunho will put her in a head lock and rub his knuckles over her head and she will pinch and punch his side to make him let go. They are cool to each other up to that point then they act like crazy people and pick on one another. That is the time they let go of the polite Seonbae/Hoobae relationship and become big brother torments little sister, who tries to get back at him any way possible. They will act all aloof to each other in front of others but behind their backs they are playing pranks on each other and sticking their tongues out  and making faces. Very childish.



Name: Lee Dong Hae 이 동해
Age: 27
Personality: He is sensitive and thoughtful, but a little distant when it comes to relationships. He is a cool guy that thinks of others over himself but he does have a streak if vanity in him. He is silly and tried to crack jokes that go nowhere. He has a fanciful heart and day dreamer personality at times, but other times he is serious and straightforward. He will tell you he doesn't like something or try and find and answer to a solution with hard-headed determined-ness that annoys some people. He can be obtuse as well. You have to just come out and say something to him for him to get what your saying, otherwise he is dense as a bucket of mud. He can be lighthearted and boyish at times as well. He still has this innocents about him that is refreshing.

How do they get along?:They act like two people who like each other but are to shy to do anything about it.
They will smile and blush a bit when they see each other, nod heads in greeting and silent hello's on talk shows, and they sit near one another during joint projects, shyly offering drinks or seats or whispering pleasantries. They tend to get on peoples nerves when they act like this, especially Hee Chuls'. He will yell at them to confess already and they will both blush. 

How did you meet?: While training all the SM seonbaes would come in to work with the younger hoobaes. They met in the practice room and became close through her dedication to dancing, since she was always hanging around Eunhyuk and as she became friends with him, naturally they had to spend time together and it slowly grew to like and then a crush.
How do you keep in touch?:They will text each other every now and then or send half friend-like messages through twitter or something.
Scene requests: A growing romance would be nice since they aren't in a relation ship just yet. They are both shy about it but I'd like it if she would just confess suddenly by kissing him full on the mouth one day (or night). In front of his group mates or not is up to you. ^-^





Name:Im Yoona 임 윤아 
Age: 23
Personality: A little rude, but for the most part a happy-go-lucky type. Selfish but not in public, she always shows a smiling face.
How do they get along?: They tolerate each other. Sort-of grin and bear it most of the time. If they are alone they ignore each other and pretend the other doesn't exist. They will roll eyes at each other and stuff like that.
Reason for rivalry: Yoona doesn't like her just because. JJ doesn't like her for the simple fact that she is rude to her and her group. She has seen her being rude to the cordies as well. She thinks she is selfish and stuck up and doesn't understand why no one else can see it.
She also gets way too close to the guy JJ likes.


Social Networking.

Twitter: Yes/ http:/
 Cyworld: Yes/
Me2day: Yes/ http:/ 


In the band

Position: Main Dancer / Sub vocal
Public persona: Cool Charisma to Dubu2 (a play on Onew's Dubu persona)
For when she goes from her calm and collected state to laughing at nothing and goofing around, the others will say "Oh here it comes, Dubu2!" Usually happens when Onew joins them and the two become all giddy.


Strong points:
- When she's 'on point' she is perfection
- Her dancing

Weak points:
- She has stage fright sometimes which results in a wobbly first note
- She doesn't pay attention to the others places

Personal fanclub: Pearl Drop  

The last part


anything else: I refrained from using Jaejoong because you wanted SM artists and he's not one anymore but if someone else wants Donghae I could tottally switch things over for Jae if you'll allow it. ^^


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