Notice for upcoming delay in story updates. Gomen ne sai!!!

To all my friends and subscribers. Anyo me dearsies!.........s that even a word? i think its a might not be a word....but it could be a word...oh who cares it is cute and i like it so it is a word!!  and if it wasn't then i have invented it!! should i patent it? can you even patent a word??besides i am pretty sure some one els already beat me to it ... ok i am going way off point here. ~slap my self back on track~

Ok now that my Crazy ramblings are out of the way. I am going To Dubai in a few hours time, i am leaving for the airport in two and a half hours. now the reason i am telling you all this is not to boast about me see i would only do that if i was going to Korea Or Japan. ~grins~ loool Just kidding!! please don't unfriend me or unsubscribe cause i made an idiotic Joke..i am Vewy Sowwy!! (>.<*)  but really I see this Holiday as a little unfortunate cause i bloody well hate the heat i am a winter person. And now i am going to to be baking in the frikking scorching Hot Middle eastern sun. the heat in Dubai and  the rest of the middle east is so frikking bad it makes hell look like a summer camp holiday...not that i care to put it to the test!! besides...i guess your thinking then why the hell would I go! right?? trust me i am no er for punishments...Not even the 'fun kinds' (though how pain and fun appear in the same sentence still eludes me.) but my Baby decided to Surprise me and booked pains me to call it. a holiday, as its more like a freaking punishment) with out my knowing. So i am humouring him. besides it is the Idea that counts after all. so i am going there wit a huge smile on my face and i am determent to LOVE IT!! even if i bloody well have to keep chanting it like a mantra until i get there, something like "I will Bloody love it, I will bloody love it i will bloody love" who knows i might even Record it and listen to it while i sleep the 7 hours in the plane. its going to take to get there. and if i don't love it by the time i get there i am bloody well never trusting hypnoses bull crap ever again! No Really Though i will have fun!! if its the last thing i do! (i hope its not the last thing i do!!)


i am way of track again! Gomen ne Sai!! i really do talk wayyyyy tooo much. but  promise ill try and keep my crazy ramblings out of the way until i atleast I inform you guys of the whole point of this Blog...Basically Cause of this whole Holiday-thingy-me-jig. I will be gone for 21 days and because of that i wont be able to update Chapter 5 of my story for this coming you guys properly noticed i update my Story once a week Some times a little shorter some times a little later. i try not to talk to long.  Sins i updated chapter 4 last night..i had already started on chapter 5 its half way done now...and  hope to post it before i go to the airport in like 2 hours Time. .and ill continue to write it even when i get to the airport...i should be able to make it How ever If i don't make it in time then i am hoping you guys can wait for the update of the story and not ditch. it...PLEASE DON'T DITCH IT!! (god i can be such a drama Queen right.. (~_~) ) but seriously though...if you guys can bear with me for those three weeks then i promise to Update all 5 6 and 7 at the same time. just cause i cant update does not mean that i wont have it written already. also i will still update whiles in Dubai if i can find a wireless confection at or around my hotel. So keep your fingers (and toes if you want me to update early ) Crossed that i find such a connection.  if there isn't one then when i get back, if you guys prefer it that is....ill upload it once or twice a week. as usual....or 5 6 and 7 together....basically  what i am trying to say is that it is up to you guys how many chapters i upload when i get back. So please let me know in the comments of this plogy-blog..(another weird word) many chapters you would like to see uploaded in one go. and ill pick the upload method with the most comments from you guys.


Ok that is all, for now you guys are up to speed on the crazy and the not so crazy yet boring going on's in me life....... Now let me get back to being 'miss Crazy'.... i shall continue the crazy ramblings!!................Just kidding....i am not Crazy! (which is what all crazy people say i know)....but...but...but ah actually i am a little crazy...i mean i would have to be....cause my lecturer from creative writing at the university always said, "when it comes to literature insanity is encouraged." i mean come on that is like dangling a carrot in front of a horse!!...ill RUN with it of course. and that has been my motto and excuse for being impulsively crazy....that and the fact i got A.D.H.D cant really blame my self but you sure can^^ but   i wont bore you guys any longer......with crazy ramblings..... By the way sorry for being so frikking annoying On this Blog....Bloody hell i feel like my freaking character Takahiro, (Taka-san for short, whom i wouldn't mind getting freaky with....if you know what i mean LOL)  so i get like this some times....Specially after a few cans of Relentless and a few cans of redbull before that..... Bloody hell it is,  so bad i am annoying my self now! Hai Hai!!  ill stop ill stop and get back to the matter at hand...which is writing chapter 5.


On a serious note, For those that do.... I just wanted to sincerely thank all of you guys AGAIN From the bottem of my -loving-erted-Heart, for reading my story and for Taking the time to keep reading it. Thank you for subscribing to it and for commenting on it..your comments have given me the confidence i lacked to ever let another soul read that which i wrote..and i Love you guys for it!! (>^_^)>~<3<3~Huggels~<3<3~


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ooh i'm gonna miss you and your erted*cough* i mean..your fic...hehehe..

i'll wait you to comeback and up dating the fic..hwaitting and enjoy your time~ *wink..wink*
XDDD Okay, seriously, your craziness is amazing! "Like dangling a carrot in front of a horse" LOOOL XDD Oh, dear, keep your crazy and erted personality intact, you're too funny! XD Anyways, have fun at your trip (I agree, I HATE the heat too, Winter FTW!) and.. Well, have fun! XD
Chapters.. I don't know, just upload as many as you feel like it together. If you upload them with a time difference however, you will probably collect more subscibers! XD Just saying, more people to read your story! ;D