I have been tagged!

Okay I was tagged by Hanoi-, and I really haven't done this before but here it goes!


rule one | post the rules

rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions  

rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post  

rule four | let them know you tagged them!

Ok, here we go:

  1. How did you get into KPOP?

    I got into KPOP when I first heard SHINEE's Ring Ding, and then I got into it more when I heard B2ST's Mystery. I was like O_O,,,I'm hooked!!
  2. What's the best fic you've read so far and why? be honest!

    Ohhhhh that's a difficult one! You put there on purpose...there is a lot of fanfics I really like but if there was one that I would read again then it would have to be Sins of the Father because it is just so detailed and it is just jam packed with emotion, and it takes a lot and I do mean a lot to make me cry. It was just a really good fic to read and I recommend it.  
  3. Who was your very first bias?

    My very first bias...ohhh man who was it? I would have to say that Junhyung was my very first bias even when I watched SHINEE, I never really took the time to look up their names. Junhyung is so awesome and hot and it's just UGH! Hyunseung is one lucky man to have that to himself every day!
  4. What was your very first video?

    My very first video, this is where a good memory would come in handy, but I beleive if we are talking KPOP videos then my very first video would be SHINEE's Ring Ding.
  5. Have you ever been to a kpop concert? which one? If not, who would you like to see in concert?
    I have not been to a concert sadly, but I wish I could see B2ST, B.A.P, and NU'EST in concert because my god I think I would have a mini-gasm if that happened. I would just pee myself with excitement, not really because that would just be totally weird and they wouldn't want to talk to me ever again.
  6. Has your bias ever done something that you've absolutely lost your lungs to screaming or laughing? what was it?
    When Junhyung had to smell Hyunseung's hair in B2ST's Idol Maid, that cracked me up also when Junhyung grabbed Hyunseung in for that hug I fan girl squeeled so loud! I think the window shattered.
  7. Who is someone on AFF that you wana get closer to?
    I have no idea who I want to get closer to because the people I talk to on here live like a  million miles away from me, and have different time zones. I actually have no idea who I would want to get closer to, probably the people I talk to the most on here. You know who you are!
  8. Which K Idol would you want to be best friends with and why? 
    I would want to be best friends with...wow this is hard because if I could I would be friends with all of them but I would want to be friends with Junhyung because he shows his serious side when need be, and he has a kid side like me and I think it would be awesome if we were friends.
  9. A fun fact about yourself?
    I am afraid of bee's! I will litterally run off if I see a bee, if people want to see me run fast put a bee next to me, and you'll see me run like a maniac. I know most people would say I am afraid of spiders. or clowns or death but I am afraid of bees. I also...like some of Justin Beiber's songs...sad to admit and....I like High School Musical. Bam! I said it.
  10. Which K Idol do you not like?
    K Idol I don't like...I would have to Hara. I don't hate her but I don't like her either so I think I am inbetween. She does mess with Junseung, so that is a reason right there.
  11. What are your personal opinions on KPOP companies? (YG, SMENT, JYP, CUBE, JTUNES, Etc)
    I like YG and SMENT and CUBE, they produce some good KPOP bands so I don't really have any beef with any of them.

Now for my tags! -TABL0, SeungYuuRi, SHINsUpaKB2isst, LoVE_B2ST That is is my lovlies!


1. What is your favorite kpop band and why?

2. What OTP do you like the most?

3. If you had the chance to a horror house would you? And if you wouldn't where would you go?

4. Who is your favorite on AFF?

5. Write a paragraph or more on your favorite OTP

6. Who is your bias?

7. What if you saw Junhyung stark , what you do?

8. What other music do you like?

9. Who would you like to meet and why?

10. What are you most afraid of?

11. What is the best fanfiction you have read so far?


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am kinda lost you know where i answer? do i have to make 11 question ? if i made less? can i tag any acc ?
do i answer here??
wat is otp means???