Tagged by jongyux3



rule one | post the rules

rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions

rule three | tag five people and link them to your post

rule four | let them know you tagged them!


1: why are you a kpop fan, how did you become one?

            I became a Kpop fan only because of SHINee. I downloaded their Replay MV by accident on Youtube. See answer #4.


2: if you are given a super power what would you like it to be?

            Wow, I haven’t really thought about it. I want to have invisibility powers, and ice powers, and ability to read people’s minds, or… I don’t know.


3: what onew pairing do you like best? why?

            JONGYU! They say the bond between Jonghyun and Onew are almost non-existent, and I don’t know why I still ship them despite that. I guess I’ve seen them interact before, especially on Hello Baby, and their duets are amazing. They are hilarious, they’re dumb and dumber, they’re like two peas in a pod… And I shall sink with this ship til the end /creys.


4: i was a fan of kattun (jpop) before i became a kpop fan, how about you?

            I was a fan of Bang Bang Tang aka Lollipop back then. I was looking for their music video on YT when I saw Lollipop vs SHINee. I thought it was Lollipop Versus SHINee, but the uploader meant Lollipop SHINee version. It was their Replay music video, except the song being played is entitled Lollipop. I was attracted to them instantly, thanks to Jonghyun’s nostrils. And that’s how I moved from BBT to SHINee!


5: favorite kpop rapper?

            KEY, of course! Who else? LMFAO.


I'm too lazy to post my questions and to tag anyone right now. But I shall do it once I'm home! :D



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