
Let's play a tagging game!


Rule one| Post the rules

Rule two| Answer the set that the tagger set for you in their post and then after, make your own eleven questions.

Rule three| Tag eleven people and link them to you post

Rule four| Let them know you tagged them!


Tagged by: lockeyme


1. What was your first fandom?

Shawol! SHINee forever<3

2. Do you still support/love your fandom until now the way you used to?

Yes! And forever I will~!^^

3. PICK ONE: Concert or fansign event?
Concert so I can see the band live and hear all the songs live too!:)))

4. What would you do if you bumped into your fav idol?

I would apologize and tell him/her how much of a big fan I am of them.

5. PICK ONE: Sing/dance with your idol?

DANCE! Because I love to danceee, and I at singing ;/

6. PICK ONE: Your idol will sing a song for you or your idol will make a song for you?

Write a song and then sing it to me? Does that count? Lol jk. Sing a song for meee!

7. Do you love writing fics?

Eh not reallyyyy.... I'm not that good at writing!T.T

8. What country are you from?


9. Do you want to see me in real life?

Sure. I'd love to meet you!^^

10. Joy or pleasure?

Joy. I love being happy!

11. Do you ever want to become a celebrity too?

Heckkkk yeahhh, so I can travel the world and have lots of moneyyy!xD


I Tag: 












My Questions for you:

1. Who is your ultimate bias?

2. Boy bias(es)

3. Girl bias(es)

4. Best guy aegyo?

5. Best girl aegyo?
6. Who has the best eye smiles?

7. PICK ONE: Boy bands or girl bands?

8. Top 3 favorite Kpop bands

9. Song that makes you cry

10. Song that makes you happy

11. If you ever met your favorite idol what would you do and say to him?







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