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Yeey an excuse to not do my homework! :D

...don't really think it counts as an excuse though.



One | Who was your first bias from your favorite group? Did this person change as you got to know them?

Onew, of SHINee. The first group I bothered to actually know (the first I actually saw was SNSD, in Gee ofc), because Ring Ding Dong was just so catchy. Like nojoke I was dancing around the hallway going like SO FANTASTIC FANTASTIC FANTASTIC FANTASTIC ELASTIC ELASTIC ELASTIC ELASTIC and everyone around me was like ...I do not know this person. ANYWAYS. ONEW SUNG. AND I WAS LIKE YOUR VOICE IS SO DELICIOUS. I LIKE YOU.

As I learned more about him (stalked?), I was like, ohohoh he's so cute/dorky/ilikehim


Two | Are you bilingual? What language would you like to learn? You can't choose Korean. XD

Yee~ Trilingual, sort of. I speak english (ofc~) and Chinese and Spanish. the chinese and spanish I'm not really THAT fluent in, but I'm getting there~ sort of. So whole + half + half = bilingual?

I wanna learn... Japanese. I was looking at their foods and other stuff in Japan and I was like, I would like to go there. Or maybe French or something. :3

Three | What was the weirdest dream you remember?

ohgosh. I was at school and we were running and playing capture the flag or something and so I went and hid in some pine trees and then I ran out and there was this really large fat guy chasing me around with an axe that was like 6 feet long.

...I think I ran around screaming. LOL.

Four | If someone gave you a million dollars, would you do drugs?

oh lord, if probability could be negative that's what the chance of me accepting would be.

If I did drugs, there would be no me to do the drugs pretty quick.

Five | What world record do you think you could break?

...don't think I could break anything. There's some pretty weird records, and... well...yeah. None.

Six | What are five of your favorite pairings? (Doesn't have to be K-pop.) And why do you like those pairings?

Hrm... the majority are k-pop, lol. And prettymuch all SuGen. XD.

Seven | Tell me your three favorite artists/bands--NOT K-POP!

...does Mozart count? I like his music. XD.

anyways. I'm really not sure, because my world was prettymuch on mute before I found k-pop. Michael Jackson?

Eight | Would you give your life for a stranger?

...Depends on their life. Possibly.

Nine | What are some of your favorite books? (I need to get some summer reading done, ehehe.)

Hrm...well, I'm going through the Hunger Games because I haven't read them yet and everyone's like OMG WHO DO YOU SHIP and I'm like WHAT?

Harry Potter? LOLOLOL. I needa get some reading done too. Parents want me to read more classics @____@

Ten | Do you like noodles? If so, what kind if your favorite? Yes, I do like noodles. :D

Umm... I'm not really sure what it's called in English (or Chinese, actually...man I needa work on my Chinese...) but it's like these cold noodles that are spicy and they have veggies and eggs and all these sauces and spices and they're delicious.

Eleven | A million dollars (go ahead and convert on Google, for you worldwide peeps) or spending the night at your favorite band's dorm?


Oh, I'd tag 11 people about here

...but I don't think I have 11 people to tag...


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So whole + half + half = bilingual?

Your dream sounds wonderfully hysterical. XD