Possible goodbye...

As some of you may know by talking to me, I'm having a lot of problems in my life with school and family. My mom is being stupid and making me go on a camping trip and at the last minute I realized that I wanted to go. Not for the fun of it; I wanted to stay out of trouble. Now my mom's coming home in a bit so when she does I have to tell her that I forgot the form, because I did. She'll probably ban me from the computer and take away the internet. My neighbours also just moved away so I can't use their wifi so basically, I'm screwed. So, if I'm not online for the next week or so, it's because of my mom who likes to ruin my life and take away my social life. Even though she tells me to be more social....

So, just in case, bye. 


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That !!!
Come over to my house poop <3
I'll miss you bubzzy D':

and dude, you're ed ;)