tagged game | tagged by fujisyusuke-kun

1. What is your current favorite song/s?

Infinite : The Chaser, Only Tears & Feel So Bad

Sistar : Lead Me and Alone .  SNSD TTS : Twinkle . 4Minute : Volume Up . Seo In-gook : Tease Me . Huh Gak : A Person I Used to Love . Baek Ji-young : Good Boy . Busker Busker : Cherry Blossom Ending

2. Who is your current ultimate bias? Why?

Sunggyu!! Because he is damn perfect...? keke ^^ I don't know, I just loves everything about him; his small smiley eyes, his hamster teeth, his laugh, his chubby cheeks and those squishy body *I know he hid a hot abs in the there* . And don't get me started with his honey voice <3333

3. Which kpop group do you hate dislike?

Urm, the new ones I guess. NU'EST or something. I don't know, it just give me a creep when I looked at the gitly member. And SS501, I mean I like their songs, but the group*I know they disbanded or something*, I'm not really a fan.

4. How did we meet? and what reminds you of me?

We never meet ... but you are my precious reader !! :DD

5. What is your opinion on my fics? (No sugarcoated words please. Criticism and Honesty please?)

Sorry, but I've never read them. I'll be sure to read them when I have the time. :)

6. What was your first impression of me?

You're really sweet!! >,<

7. Who is your favorite unnie/oppa/dongsaeng on AFF?

This is tricky. I can't really pick since all are my precious chingus!! :DD

8. What is your current, active fic?

3 Dates and Please Don't Take it Away. Both are Woogyu. xD

9. What are you in the kpop industry? (subber, translator, echos echos)

A big and crazy fan. hoho xD

10. What is your nationality?

Proud to be Malaysian.

11. What do you think of me, now?

I want to know you more and be a good friend in the future. :)


Thanks for tagging me ne fujisyusuke-kun




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fujisyusuke-kun #1
Awwwww, Thank you! You're sweet too. :D
Are you my unnie?