Tagged 8)

LOLOL Hello 8D <3 Actually this is my first blog post here, and I don't know why this tagging game must be my first post .__. So yeah~


Let’s play a tagging game!

rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!



tagged by HannaJoo_


1)What song you're currently listening to?
 INFINITE - The Chaser 

2)For you,kpop is _____________
 My music. And music is my life 8'D

3)List your top 3 bias XD
Byun Baekhyun (my first imaginary hubby :'3)
Kim Jongdae/Chen (his voice is so amazing! OvO)
Wu Yi Fan/Kris (he's just mindblowingly perfect OTL ;u;)

4)What do you think about your ultimate bias?
What I think about Baekhyun... he's so talk-active ._. I found him a dork since I heard that he always barks 40 times before sleep OTL And maybe he's a bit shameless. But most of all he's funny, humorous, and just like what I said, he's the first bias that I called "husband" :') I love him! xD

5)List out your most favourite fic ever! Maybe I would give my best three fanfics that I read so far MAMA: Eclipse by Kironstree Strom by exo_ed (LOL your fic one of my best three >8D) Little Bakery by ChoiLove Do you know that all of them are EXO fics? ouo <3

6)Do you like sushi?
I fell in love with sushi ;u;
8)What couple in EXO do you ship?
Every exist and non-exist couples in EXO. Sometimes I create crack pairings, ya know? 8D
9)Do you have a baby sister?
Nope :3
10)Be frank,are you a lazy ?XD
I'm a supah lazy  =w=
11)Name one aff-ers you like and one aff-ers you hate the most XD
Okay, to be honest I like all of aff users that can maintain steady confersations with me x) and I don't hate any aff users ._. PEACE OUT, BRO!



And yeah, so here's my questions:

1. Ayo whaddup krees?

2. Who's your bias on EXO and why he can be your bias?

3. Which do you prefer, or yuri? Tell your reason as well! ouo

4. What song that stuck in your mind currently?

5. Do you like j-pop/j-rock? If yes, what group that do you like the most?

6. Have you watched I AM?

7. What couple that you ship the most? Tell your reason ovo

8. Are you a shikshin?

9. Describe yourself with 5 words!

10. Are you single or taken? 8)

11. What do you think about my questions?


and yeah, I think I won't tag people since I don't know to tag whom .__. And If you want to answer my questions, just answer them on your own blogpost. Okay then, have fun! BD


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