tagged game | tagged by shukurimu_daisuki

tagged by shukurimu_daisuki


1. If you can work with your favourite idol group, which one do you prefer? coordinator or manager or their boss? why?

Infinite of course !! Urm , maybe their coordi because I want to touch those pretty little hairs and those pretty little faces. *sorry if I sound creepy :P*

2. Have you met any kpop artist in real life (this may make me jealous XD)

I wish I have , but sadly no . T^T

3. what genre do you like to read in AFF?

Anything as long as it's good . *whisper* But I actually loves to read .

4. tell me your feeling when your favourite FF left unfinished

I feel like screaming and hunt the autjor down. He'she better has a good reason.But then the next I'll feel better, as long as I don't see that AFF anymore .

5. What are the new idol group that you can introduce to me (since my eyes only on Infinite)

B.A.P !!! They are really great !! EXO-K is not bad too.

6. If your parent give you money to go to concert (which I doubt will happen), which concert will you go? (can be non k-pop)

Infinite !!! And 2PM too !!

7. Did you love anime? which one you love the most?

Heck, I'm an anime freak !! I love anime since like I was little. keke ^^  The one I love the most would be FullMetal Alchemist.

8. which country you wish to go? (except korea)

Ouuuwww , why no korea ??!! Urmmm , then Japan !! >,<

9. What will you do if your bias bump on you in the street?

I think I'll be frozen and be like a statue. Seriously !! It would be a miracle if I could move after that . xD

10. What do you think of your writing style? (if you're writer)

Haha, it feel kind of weird to think about this. I don't really like to comment on my own style, I prefer to listen from other's perspective.

11. do you think you will get trapped in kpop addiction forever?

I don't think so, since I'm about to be an adult and I don't know how long I'll keep going crazy over this. But hey, who know if I WILL keep going crazy forever. LOL .


Thanks for tagging me ne !! :DD


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