— Six Stories of Love ♡ Application~


 six stories of love;; 

le application form


 the real mademoiselle! ;;

♥ aff username: AmyL09

♥ aff profile link: Click Me!!~

♥ what's your name: Sabrina


 i am me! ;;

♥ name: Kim HinA

♥ nickname(s): Hinnie

♥ date of birth: December 20

♥ age: 16

♥ place of birth: Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

♥ hometown: Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

♥ ethnicity: Korean

♥ language(s): Korean- Fluent, English-Basics(like thank you,sorry etc.)


 it's personal,yo! ;;

♥ personality: HinA is a very hyperactive girl which is cute to a lot of people. She can make anyone smile with her sweetness. She knows how to make someone feel better. Nobody can resist her cuteness which is also bad since HinA is also a very mischievious girl and HinA knows that no one can say no to her cuteness . She loves pulling pranks on her friends but always gets away with it with her cuteness. When they're going to watch a movie and HinA-- being the horror movie lover she is-- always suggests a horror movie, which her friends agree to because of her aegyo. HinA doesn't give up easily, she will try and try until she get what she wants. Even though HinA is a very cheerful girl, she is very sensitive; When someone yells at her she would easily get scared and avoid that person. Since HinA is in the acting club she is really good at acting. When something bothers her she doesn't show it. HinA doesn't get mad easily but when she doesn't get what she wants she would easily get upset.

♥ history: HinA grew up in a very bonded family. Her mother took care of her and her father, even though he was a businessman, made sure to make time for his children. HinA's mother told her many stories about how HinA's father courted her when they were young. HinA was so enchanted by her parent's beautiful love story that she wrote what she wanted her prince charming to be. She believed that one day, the prince charming she have always wanted would come. She had admirers before but she rejected them since they didn't match the prince charming she wanted.

♥ likes: 

   >Roller Coasters

    >Stuffed Toys


    >Horror Movies


    >Sweet Foods


    >Hanging Out with friends

♥ dislikes:

     >When people pinch her cheeks


     >People who are too serious

     >A very dirty surrounding


♥ hobbies:

     >Pranking her friends

     >Hanging out with her friends

     >Practicing her archery

     >Listening to Music

♥ habits:

    >Puffs her cheeks when she's bored or getting impatient.

    >Touches her head when she's confused.

    >Pouts when she's disappointed.

    >Unconciously uses her baby voice when she's telling a sad or disappointing story.

♥ trivia:

    >Her favourite color is blue

    >Her friends love to pinch her cheeks because like her brother, she has a chubby cheek.

    >Her favourite food is chicken. If you make her eat only chicken for a whole month she won't mind.

    >She's weak against stuff toys. If you make her mad or if you made her upset and gave her a stuff toy she would forget about what you did.


 mirror mirror! ;;

♥ ulzzang name: Choi Jong Mi

♥ appearance: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

♥ back-up ulzzang name: Park Soo Yeon

♥ appearance: 1 | 2 | 3

♥ height: 165cm

♥ weight: 55kg

♥ style: She usually wears oversized, long sleeved shirts. When it's hot she would wear a jumper. She would only wear a dress or a skirt when there is a special occasion. She also like wearing hats, beanies and headbands.


 hurt them,i'll kill you;;

♥ family members:

Kim Ha Neul | 46 | Housewife | Very caring. She would do anything for her loved ones. She is very honest and open to her children. She is very supportive. | Mother

Kim Min Hyuk | 47 | Businessman | Very supportive. Can be strict a times but loves his family very much. | Father

Kim Min Seok (Xiumin) | 22 | Taekwondo instructor | Nice and playful. He's not too serious and not too playful. He loves to do aegyo. He is very responsible. He can cope with people who are younger than him. He loves to tease HinA.

♥ friends:

Choi Jun Hong (Zelo) | 16 | Zelo is a very playful guy. He loves pulling pranks on his friends with HinA. When he and HinA are together, they become unstoppable. He can be stubborn at times.

Yoon Bomi | 19 | Just like HinA, Bomi is a very hyperactive girl. She is very friendly. She loves making people laugh. She is like an older version of HinA. | Best Friend



♥ the character: Alone~ *Sings to SiSTAR's Alone xD*

♥ love interest: Sehun (Exo-K)

♥ how did you met?: They met at the auditions to join the sports club. Sehun was a member of the basketball team while HinA was auditioning to join the archery club. The auditions for the sports clubs were held at the same venue and at the same time. The basketball and Volleyball team were there to help out the auditionees. HinA was assigned to Sehun's group. HinA being the friendly and hyperactive girl she, is talked to Sehun and he found HinA really cute and athletic.

♥ personality: Sehun is a quiet but friendly boy. He is very competitive and hates losing. He doesn't really like partying or flirting like his teammates But when he's with the girl he likes, he would act cool. He can be stubborn at times. When he gets mad he can scare anyone.

♥ how do you act around each other: Sehun would always act cool in front of HinA while HinA treats Sehun as his bestfriend. HinA would sometimes tease Sehun but Sehun would just act cool. Sehun tends to be protective over HinA. Sehun unconciously shows that he likes HinA, But HinA is too busy thinking about her perfect prince charming to notice it. HinA sees Sehun as an older brother.

♥ back-up love interest: Changjo (Teen Top)

♥ rival: Sunhwa and Yookyung

♥ the reason: Sunhwa, even though she's a noona to him, likes Sehun. Sehun wa really fond of noonas and likes Sunhwa at first ,but that all change when he met HinA. He started to want to be called "oppa" than to call someone "noona". Sehun's feelings for Sunhwa soon slowly faded and Sehun then started to like HinA. When Sunhwa found out, she got mad. She didn't want anyone to take Sehun away from her, especially if it's a dongsaeng to Sehun. She acts nice in front of HinA but when HinA's not there she does her best to make Sehun change his mind in liking HinA.

              YooKyung used to be the eye candy in the archery club. Being the youngest and good at archery, a lot was surely impressed. But that all change when HinA joined the club. HinA was younger and better that her. Yookyung didn't like the attention HinA was getting. She then tried her best to make HinA get kicked out of the club and she tries to make HinA look bad in front of everyone but always failed.


 highschool life;;

♥ clubs: Acting Club and Archery Club

♥ best subject: Communication Arts, Music and Physical Education

♥ failing subject: Math


 last but not the least;;

♥ password: "Stop looking for the perfect prince charming. You never know, your real prince charming might just be in front of you."

♥ request(s): A scene where Sehun would yell at HinA and HinA would avoid Sehun......... Pick Me! Lol xD

♥ comments: Hi! This is honestly my first time to make a bubbly, cute character... So I'm not really sure if it's good. I didn't like the girly type of character so I added a mischievious side :D.... Hope you like her! ^^


 and they live happily ever after;; 


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