Camp Diamond: For Troubled Teens Application Form




____the face behind the mask

Username: dumplingcheeks_
Link to profile: clickety-click
What should I call you?: Friends call me Lee.
How active are you?: 10 and yes, my real life outside is practically non-existant whilst I wait for university to start.

____let's get down to the basics

Name: Hwang Yeonju

Nicknames: Joo.

Gender: Female.

Age: 18

Birthday: April, 13

Ethnicity: Korean (American born)

Birthplace: Danville, San Franscisco.

Hometown: Danville, San Franscisco.

Spoken Languages: English; fluent and Korean; conversational.

____who's the fairest of them all

Ulzzang/Model Name: Park Sora.

Links: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Backup Ulzzang/Model Name: Hong Eun Ji

Links: [1] [2] [3] [4]

Height: 170cm - 5ft 7inches

Weight: 50kgs - 110lbs

Yeonju's style varies; sometimes it's classy, sometimes it's girly and sometimes it's simple yet y. She does not like wearing jewelry - her studs are exceptional for day to day. Even for an occasion, she does not like wearing jewelry but for evening wear, she would wear one to make a statement. She loves tops and dresses that hugs her figure  and in days where she would use her 'body' to her advantage, she would wear cropped tops and jeans. She would always make sure she at least go out with make-up though she could care less if she walks out of her house without make-up.

Extra:  She would never leave her house without her favourite stud earrings. Since they (4 leaf clovers) are hard to find, she believes having those will give her 'the luck of the Irish'. Yeonju will never, ever, be caught wearing this mainly because it somehow makes her feel a tad bit freaked out.

____it's the inside that counts


At face value, Yeonju gives off a rather mysterious, snobby and standoffish feel. She tends to be very reserved and most of the time, she usually keeps quiet. People who do not know Yeonju very well would always say that she is cold and expressionless. Yeonju is rather introverted, some would say that she prefers to keep everything to herself and rarely troubles people with the wonders that are evident in her mind. She is the girl to go to when you want somebody to really listen to you without having anything bad to say. She offers advice but most of the time, whatever that comes out of Yeonju's mouth can be pretty confusing and brutally honest. Things that others find really confusing, Yeonju finds it very simple.

Yeonju can be rather odd at times - she would be utterly embarrassed when she makes a mistake in public and often would beat herself up for doing so. She gets awkward and tend to shy away when she is surrounded by a lot of people. One admirable thing about Yeonju is that whenever you need her to help you with something or when you just need somebody by your side, Yeonju will not hesitate to help you out. She is the shoulder to cry and lean on. Getting Yeonju to admit her feelings would be a hard thing. She is so used to thinking about everything by herself that when she needs help, come rain or shine, she will not ask for help from others, until the very last minute, when she really has no other options. She is stubborn that way.

Three ways to upset/annoy Yeonju (the complete idiot's guide):
(1) she hates it when people disturb her from reading her book peacefully. It always makes her very upset when she has to read the same line like five times because she cannot concentrate on her book.
(2) One of Yeonju's biggest pet peeves are when she finally wants to talk and people do not listen to her. Yeonju spends most of her time pondering how to correctly pronounce certain words and how to make sure what she is trying to convey is understable.
(3) Yeonju hates it when people tell her to stop being honest because that is just how she is. Yeonju prefers to see things the way it is, not that she is lacking in emotions or empathy but she prefers the logical side of everything so when people ask her for honesty, do not blame her if she says something you do not want to admit.

Ways to make Yeonju happy:
(1) Yeonju loves going on a road trip. Mainly because when she is on a road trip, the pressure that comes from everyone that she knows disappears and she is safe to assess her thoughts.
(2) If Yeonju does actually get upset, all you have to do is hand her a book and tell her to go to her room. Unlike some people who prefer to curse or scold someone when they are angry, Yeonju's different. She will instead read a book.
(3) Actually having a deep, thoughtful and meaningful conversation with someone. Yeonju rarely opens up about what she feels but there are times when she would want to talk about whatever it is that is in her mind and it would often lead to long talks about what she actually feels and what not.

To sum it all up, Yeonju is a woman of actions and not words.


- a warm cup of tea
- hot chocolate on a rainy day
- literature
- reading
- observing people
- peaches and green apples
- her boyfriend's baby-face

- insects
- being the center of attention
- tasteless cooking
- waiting
- dogs barking
- sizzling weather
- insects walking all over her

- Observing people
- Talking walks in the park
- Cooking and baking

- staring blankly at people
- touching the back of her neck with her fingertips when she is nervous
- speaking to people with honorifics (even when said people are at times younger than her)
- buying clothes online
- locking herself in her room

- Insectophobia
- Dogs
- the smell of blood

- Before she goes to sleep, Yeonju would always make sure she cleans her room
- has two pet rabbits that was given to her by her boyfriend and  she named them after her favourite singers: Keys (from Alicia Keys) and Houston (from Whitney Houston)
- Yeonju falls asleep quickly when she listens to the news
- Yeonju always carry a bottle of sticky candies
- Yeonju is bad in writing in Korean
- She always sneezes 5 times in a row

____once upon a time...

As a little girl, growing up in a different culture was quiet hard for Yeonju. She was often teased for having small eyes and skin that was too fair for her. Instead of telling her parents that she was being teased in school, Yeonju opted to keep quiet and would always play with herself. When her parents found out that she was teased, Yeonju was home-schooled. At the age of eleven, Yeonju went back to school but due to the fact that she was mostly alone (with the exception of her home-tutor), Yeonju could not make any friends.

That never bothered her though. Yeonju felt quite content with the life she was leading. She would often go to the park that was near her school and sit at the swings, watching people. When she is not stuck in school, she would always make sure to go to the park. Other than that, her life was pretty normal and rather quiet.

Family History:
Yeonju was born to two wonderful American born Koreans. Her parents were quite the opposite of each other but somehow they seem to compliment each other. Being the only child, Yeonju was often left alone whenever her parents are busy. Though they are busy, both of her parents would always make sure they spend at least two hours with Yeonju every single day. Most of the time, her parents are often out and about, chasing deals and offers but at the end of the day, they will always come back for Yeonju. She has never met her grandparents, mainly because all four of them had passed on even before she was born so she never got to know them. Yeonju is closer to her father, mostly because her father was always supporting her in everything that she did and gave her wonderful advices. Her relationship with her mother is somewhat strained because her mother wanted Yeonju to be more outgoing and socialise with a lot of people but that aside, her mother could be pretty loving at times. 

Father: Hwang Jungryoul | 49 | CEO of a publishing company | Healthy and alive | Seeing as Yeonju is his only child, Jungryoul always tries his best to please her in every way. He would often bring her tidbits from whatever country he has been to and together, they would often taste the tidbits and he will always listen to what Yeonju has to say. Jungryoul is rather opinionated - a trait that Yeonju does not share - so he would often try to subtly advise Yeonju to talk about things. Yeonju respects her father very much and if there was a time where she would have to choose between saving her mother or her father, Yeonju would definitely save her father.

Mother: Hwang Mikyoung | 45 | Owner of a few beauty salons | Healthy and living | Mikyoung always want what's the best for Yeonju but sometimes, the way she would say certain things would sound rather standoffish and this would always make their relationship very strained. Seeing as Yeonju is her only child and she has no previous experience in raising a child, most of the time she does not know what to do and would instead try to shrug things off casually. Mikyoung always wanted Yeonju to talk more and is not that supportive of how Yeonju really is but despite that, she still loves her daughter dearly.

____camp life

Your Position: member.

Years at the Camp: 2 years..

Previous Experiences Here:
Her first time being at the camp was an awkward experience for her. Yeonju was not used to how things were - how different the culture was and she had a hard time adjusting to the culture. She would often make mistakes in communication which caused people to be slightly cold with her but what she lacked in words, she was full of talents... in cooking. She would often make food and desserts for the camp members and she wrote a speech - one that she literally had to translate from English to Korean. Being the introvert that she was, she kept it short and simple (i.e. I'm sorry for my behaviour. Please take care of me well). She slowly learned how to let 'loose' but apparently it still was not enough for her parents, hence the reason as to why she's coming back.

How Do You Feel About the Camp?: 
When Yeonju found out that she was going to the camp, she seemed rather indifferent and coolly nodded her head at her parents but once she was in the safe haven of her room, her train of thoughts seemed to be zooming quickly. She was confused and nervous as well as afraid at the same time. She was never good whenever she is surrounded by a lot of people and she spent that night, staying up, thinking about how her life would be at the camp and how much things could go wrong.

Why Are You Here?:
Yeonju is too introverted for her mother's liking. Seeing as Yeonju's the only child, she is bound to take over the family business once both of them pass on but with how Yeonju is currently behaving, both of her parents feels that the chances of expanding the family business is very slim. They had heard about the camp when a couple of their friends talked about the experiences their children had when they went to the camp and both of her parents decided that it would be better if Yeonju has a change of scenery. 

What Did You Bring?: She brought along a Korean pocket dictionary, her custom-made pillow, her iPod, her Hard Disk (which contains a lot of things), her macbook and a few books from Shakespeare.

____i love you, i hate you

Best Friends: 
Woo Sunghyun, Kevin | 18 | a member of the camp | Kevin is a very optimistic guy - one that sees the bright side of things every time. He is naive at times and people often take advantage of him. Yeonju met Kevin when she was in the public library back in Danville. He had came up to her and told her that his favourite Shakespeare villian was King Cladius from Hamlet. That was the start of a rather weird friendship. Kevin didn't mind the fact that Yeonju was very quiet because he knew that regardless of what Yeonju does, she would always listen to whatever he has to say. Yeonju finds Kevin rather endearing and he is nice to be around with. They have now known each other for nearly 4 years.

Hwang Miyoung, Tiffany | 18 | a member of the camp | Tiffany is a girl that often gets misunderstood because she is always smiling at everything. She has a rather dorky side to her that compliments her cheerful nature. Yeonju and Tiffany met when they were already in Korea: at that time, Yeonju wanted to ask where the bathroom was but due to the fact that her Korean understanding is not that good, she ended up going around the place a lot. She was saved by Tiffany who told her where the toilet was and how she had been at the shoe store and had seen Yeonju passing by the store for seven times. Yeonju feels 'at home' whenever she is with Tiffany. She sees Tiffany as a sister that she never had. Tiffany felt awkward at first when she learned that Yeonju was not the type of girl that talked much but she soon got comfortable. They have known each other for a year.

Rivals: N/A

Enemies: Park Gyuri | 19 | Gyuri is a 'senior member' of the camp. Seeing as Yeonju was new during that time, she asked who Park Gyuri was and what she was well-known for. Gyuri being the prideful person that she was, found it appalling that Yeonju did not know who she was. She then took it as a challenge to make herself really well known to Yeonju. She would often tease Yeonju and pick on her but seeing as Yeonju was used to that, Gyuri resorted to always making things difficult for Yeonju. She also secretly harbours feelings for baby-face Zelo and is irritated that 'mute' Yeonju gets him.

____be mine

Love Interest: 
Choi Junhong, Zelo | 17 | A member of the camp
Kim Sunggyu | 20 | a member of the camp

His Personality: 
He is a guy that just exuberate cuteness, mysterious and playfulness all at the same time - he also has that typical player look although he is anything but. He is a hardworking teenager that loves beat-boxing and rapping at random times. His bright nature makes people warm up to him quickly. Zelo has his times when he can be really serious but most of the time, he is rather laidback and is a good follower. He rarely talks back to adults and would often listen to what they have to say or offer him. Zelo has a baby-face and he always gets teased because of it. Sometimes he would feel uncomfortable with the amount of attention he gets and would be 'shy'. Zelo has the tendency to blink, a lot.

He is rather charismatic and exuberates a leader-filled aura. He often does not act like his age and would always try to warm up to people by acting all cute. He always gets in trouble for that but people find his carefree nature rather endearing. Sunggyu loves bossing his 'brothers' around and would often do it for a good cause. 

How You Act With Each Other: 
Yeonju actually met Zelo in her first year of being at the camp - actually, she met him earlier than that. That very day when they were shipped off to Jeju Island, Zelo's seat was coincidentally beside her. The first solid thing that Zelo said to her was "Can I borrow your shoulders?" and without waiting for her reply, Zelo laid his head on her shoulders and went to sleep. Seeing as she felt sorry and didn't want to wake him up, Yeonju let him be. The whole ride to Jeju Island, Yeonju would read her book and when Zelo woke up, he began to read over her shoulder as well but after a few pages, he gave up and told her that modern English was something he could do but not the Shakespearean language that she was reading. Yeonju merely gave him a small nod and that was the start of a wonderful relationship. Something about Yeonju makes Zelo feel very much like a 'man'. The way she treated him was not like how most people would treat him. Due to his baby-face, people often talk to him like he was a little kid but Yeonju treated him just fine.

Zelo and Yeonju are like yin-yang. They are very different but when they are together, they seem to compliment each other very well. Yeonju balanced his cheerfulness with her 'coolness'. When they first got together, at the end of the 'camp', most people were surprised to see the resident baby-face finally settling down with someone who was clearly not his type and Yeonju felt uncomfortable with all the attention that she received. Zelo always try to make her happy by acting cute and even sending little gifts to her. He is very thoughtful whenever they are together and even though Yeonju never said anything about his age, Zelo is always afraid that Yeonju would leave him for someone older and would try to show his charismatic and y side to her whenever he can.

Yeonju finds his eyes rather interesting - how it seemed to disappear whenever he smiled. So much so, she would always end up staring at his eyes, lost in her own train of thoughts. Sunggyu noticed this the first time and sauntered over to introduce himself to her but seeing as Yeonju's not fluent in Korean, she stumbled over her sentences, which made Sunggyu smile. Yeonju spent the entire time scolding herself mentally for her mistake and Sunggyu was worried when the frown on her face seemed to deepen so he did something funny. A small smile appeared on her face and that was when Sunggyu realized that she looked better, smiling. He would often try to talk to Yeonju but she was always engrossed in her books and Sunggyu thought that Yeonju seemed like the type of girl that does not like it when people disturb her reading so he would often glance at her and smiling at her, whenever Yeonju look at him.

Current Relationship Status: Taken by Zelo.

Exes: None.

Other: N/A.


Desired Scenes: If Yeonju ever gets chosen, a scene that I'd like to see her in would be the first conversation she had with Zelo. Zelo tends to talk too fast at times and with her rusty Korean, she would only get like 10% of what he is saying. He gets disatisfied from her lack of reaction and tries to impress her with something else.

Suggestions: I'd like to see a very up-tight counsellor, preferably a woman. She is just consumed with low self-esteem issues and would always try to verbally bring a person down when there are no people (i.e. the rest of the counsellors) watching her. You know what would be interesting? Instead of having the typical water gun battle, a foam war would definitely be a great idea. It will be up to the staffs and the members to choose whether they would want to be the chaser or the runner. The runner's job is really easy - they have to stay safe and not get hit by foams within a certain time limit. The chaser has to try and find the runner and hit as many as they can. The main judge will be the head counsellor and winner gets to do whatever they want for a day.

Questions/Comments: All the best for your story! I like your idea - can't wait to see it being developed. Hopefully, I did everything correctly!

Anything Else?: Nope, none whatsoever! 


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