tagged game | tagged by Sheollie

Thanks to AWESOME  Sheollie 


1) How many K-pop group do you like ? Why? (each group must have a reason)

There's just too many and I've never count them . xD Let me just tell the reason for my two most favourite group. First is Infinite, I just start to love them like the end of last year, but I worshipped them like I know them for my entire life . keke ^^ Their song and dance ie really no joke, and theier dance angle is the neatest and sharpest I've ever seen.

Second is 2PM !!! I pratically love them since their debut they are hust so cute and manly at the same time. And their songs , especially Again Again is the best song ever !!! <3333 JYP is really a genius !!

2) What is your favourite couple in K-pop boy group?

Mainly Woogyu !! But I love any couple as long as Gyu's in it . xD

3) Which one is your's favourite dance step in INFINITE song that you like ?

The Comeback dance from Tashi Torawa . I think that's their most in-sync and neatest dance ever.

4) If you get married with your bias, where you want to spend your honeymoon with him ?

Anywhere is fine as long as I'm with him *okay, ignore that* . I don't really know places outside of my country, but if I really have to pick one . Jeju Island .. ? I always wanted to go there .

5) Which K-pop song that you first heard ?

DBSK - Rising Sun

6) Do you think your life have some similarity with in the drama or AFF ? sharing it :)

Nope . Not that I know . My life is really plain and normal .

7) What do you think about me ? BE HONEST !

Honestly , you're a bit crazy in the head .... really !! And that's what made I like you , since I'm a bit crazy too . keke ^^

8) If you are given 1 MILLION, what will you do ?

I don't want to be a hypocryte, so I will shop till I drop!! I will buy all kpop albums that I love, Infinite first of course . :DD

9) State 3 things that you really want in this life.

Love, money and success . :)

10) What is your ideal type of girl/boy ? tell me .

Someone who is sweet, funny and must be taller than me . I repeat, MUST ! I don't like a cold guy. Looks, not really important since I'm not that pretty either. But, I would love it if he has a nice smile. Someone like Gyu oppa is kinda nice, I mean he's a little harsh towards dis dongsaengs, but towards his fans and girls, he seemls really gentle . I really love that type . >,<

11) IF you are given to choose between a common people life and celebrity life, which one will you choose ? Why ?

Celebrity life seems kinda fun and exciting, but I gotta say I choose common people life. I'm too shy to interract with the public, and being a celebrity seems too troublesome . I can't imagine gettinf attacked bt papparazzi or anti-fans . Too scary !! T^T


I'm too lazy too tag other people :P


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