tagging game~


rule one | post the rules.
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions.
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post.
rule four | let them know you tagged them!
One | Do you believe in ghosts?
erm....i think so xD ii'm always afriad of ghosts xD
Two | Is English your primary language?
no it's my second. malay is my first ^^
Three | Do you have a pet?
i have some fishes and 3 cats(Kiki, Shiro and Kwangmin xD)
Four | Do you have a mole? If yes, Where is it located. :)
yup. above my lips on the right side ^^
Five | Tell me your favorite k-group.
it always changes xD right now it's exo~ idk they're just so beautiful :)
Six | Which do you prefer, Being beautiful or talendted? And why. :)
beautiful. coz beautiful is everything in this cruel world.
Seven | What is your favorite food?
food is my favourite food.
Eight | Do you also love J-pop and C-pop?
the only j-pop that i listen to is morning musume(?) but i prefer c-pop. yeah..exo-m is c-pop and jay chou <3
Nine | Describe your ideal type of guy
i like tall guys. ot really that tall. just as tall as kris. i mean the tallest he can be is kris' height. and guys that are not too skinny. abit muscle-ly is fine. and he must -i repeat- must have a deep voice. i like eargasm kay... and rapping is a must have ability. if you compare bang yongguk,kris,sehun,tao and junhyung together and find their similarities, you'll get my type xD
Ten | How old are you? [I can't think of other question..so..XD]
15 ~97-liner 4 lyfe !
Eleven | Your ultimate bias.
i can't choose...
not gonna tag anyone since i don't talk to people here xD


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