Important updates

Hi, Alice here :)

I'm rainHaters's best friend and I'm writing this to explain some things. There's a lot happening in Montreal right now with the student strike and the government's inaction, which is why the story (Dear Diary) isn't updated as often. xChiwa and rainHaters are very sorry about this. They were supposed to update tonight (around right now), but when rainHaters was walking with a red square (the symbol for students against the government raising the tuition fees) during a walk with hundreds of other students earlier, a police officer pepper sprayed everyone.

This burns and hurts really badly, and rainHaters got it right in the eyes. Since it still hurts, I'm forcing my dear best friend to get some rest and not update. Sorry about that :/

They will try to update tomorrow or the next day. It's crazy here right now and I apologize if they don't update as often as they should. But you have to understand that the situation is pretty bad. If anyone wants more information, I will try to answer you :)

And lastly, thank you for reading rainHaters and xChiwa's stories <3

Hehe. And for liking the Jalice couple. Hehehehehehe.


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Jaylice couple just to cute..anyway...hope she rest well and get well soon..i'll wait for the update~^^