I don't understand why a lot of people hate SNSD.

Is it 'cause they're popular? Talented? Pretty?

I once asked someone to explain their hate for them. The reasons?



"They can't sing." No, my friend, I'm actually pretty sure they can sing. I don't hear any autotune nor do I doubt their abilities as singers. In fact, I'd say that they're really, really good. I enjoy listening to them. Why else would they get into SM? Tell me that. If they're terrible singers, then what is G.NA? BoA? KARA? I'd like to see you sing better than them. Really. Go audition for SM yourself. And if you can prove me wrong, fine. But I wanna see you try first.

"They can't dance." For a nine-member group, they're pretty damn good. They're synchronized. Again, I'd like to see you try to dance. Oh, that's right. You can't. You told me that yourself. So could you please do my ears a favor and stop your meaningless and one-dimensional "reasons?"

"They're only popular because they're society's idea of beautiful." Bravo for attempting a valid reason. But no. They are popular because they are once again, good. They auditioned and they trained to be on stage and sing and ance and do what they want to do. They are pretty, yes, but tell me. When is a korean pop star not attractive? They have to be; it's in the job description. So why only SNSD? A lot of other korean pop stars are attractive. No, why only girl groups?  Korean men are asfghjkl attractive. Why doesn't that bother you? Is it petty jealousy? Maybe not, because you like other girl groups. IU, 4minute, why only SNSD? You needed a group to bash on? That's cool. But at least have some pride and get some decent reasons.

"Freaking all of them had plastic surgery." I do not see a ing difference between getting plastic surgery, dying your hair, getting tattoos, or changing your gender. It's all the same, right? you're changing your body according to what you want to be, and that's not a bad thing as long as it's not reckless. I repeat, there is no difference and I won't hold something so stupid against a group that I respect. 

"I've seen their fancams and they're mean." Or tired? Angry with someone for a good reason? I don't understand why every person who's popular Why would you base your pre-conceived ideas on blurry fancams? Could be blackmail. You don't know them. I don't know them either. Nobody but themselves know their whole story, what they've been through, and how they act. Who knows? They could be mean for all I know. But what a judgemental person you must be for saying that about them when you don't know them. Why are popular people immediately associated with being "prissy?" You, my friend, are the real bad part of society. I will only believe this statement when you've actually met them. Call me up when you've lived with them. 



I do not feel the need to explain these reaons to you because you already said that those are your opinions, and I respect that. So I will not explain mine and try to make you see because I'm a terrible person and I wanna see you live the rest of your life as a judgemental, cold-hearted . :3

Wow, long rant. xD 


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