My First Blog Post = Unnecessary

This is my first blog post, and I can't believe it is for something like this because I never do such things. But I admit; it was fun ^^ even though my answers are unusually boring ...


Starting time: 00.55

Name: Amanda 

Brother(s): ---

Sister (s): Matilda, Moa

Eye Color: Green-isch

Shoe size: 35-36 (European)

Hair: Brown

Piercings: One in each ear

Height: 164 cm

What are you wearing right now?: Black tights, black top and a grey hoodie

Where do you live?: Sweden

Favorite number: 5

Favorite drink: Elderflower juice

Favorite month: May or June

Favorite breakfast: Fruit


-Have You Ever-

Broken a bone: Yes

Been in a police car: No

Fallen for a friend: No

Fallen for a guy/girl in a short period of time: Yes

Swam in the ocean: sadly: Yes

Fallen asleep in school: Yes!

Broken someone’s heart?: Maybe

Cried when someone died?: Yes

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: No

Saved e-mails: Yes

Been cheated on: I don’t know



Your room like?: Messy!

What is right beside you?: A wall to my left and a keyboard to my right

What is the last thing you ate?: Cookies! :D


-Ever Had-

Chicken pox: Yes

Sore throat: Yes

Stitches: No…?

Broken nose: No

-Do You-

Believe in love at first sight?: Yes

Like picnic?: Of course!



Did you last yell at?: My history teacher…

Who was the last person you danced with?: Friends in my class

Who last made you smile?: My best friend


-Final Questions-


What are you listening to right now?: My ticking clock…

What did you do today?: Go to an Asian convent and had a dance performance

Diamond or pearl?: Diamond

Are you the oldest?: Of siblings? Yes

Indoors or outdoors?: Outdoors (SUN!)


-Today did you-


Talk to someone you like?: Not sure

Kiss anyone?: No

Sing?: Yes!

Talk to an ex?: No…

Miss someone?: Yes

Ate?: Yes

-Last person who-


You talked to on the phone?: My bestie

Made you cry?: My ex

Went to the movies with?: Two of my best friends

You went to the mall with?: Don’t know

Who cheered you up?: My friend

-Have you-

Been to Mexico?: No

Been to USA?: No


Have a crush on someone?: Yes

What books are you reading right now?: Fact book about North Korea…

Best feeling in the world?: True happiness

Future kids names?: Anastasia, Lea and maybe Filip

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Yes 

What’s under your bed?: Clothes

Favorite sport(s): Soccer

Favorite place?: My room

Who do you really hate?: No one

Do you have a job?: Yes


What time is it now?: 01.09


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Waha!!! So cool!!! You're the best Tinkie!! <3
this is so adorable~ ><
i have learnt new things about you amanda! ~~~ hehe