Username Change^^

Hai guise 8D

So you're probably like- wait what?!
Who is this dubudibidis, and why am I reading their blog post, cuz I dun remember being friends with them! O.o


But I just wanted to let chu guise know that I changed my username from nehakpoplover4ever to dubudibidis.

If you care to know what the name means, it stands for my two favorites in shinee- Dubu Onew and dibidibidis Minho x3

I'm kinda worried about those who won't see this blog cuz then they'll think I'm some random person, (.____.) BUT LESH HOPE NOT x'D

Oh! And this happens to be my tumblr too~ I just got it though, and I'm still fairly new, so sorry it's not all fanceh with music and all, but here it is nonetheless: 


that's all :3

(i was feeling infinite-y Cx )


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