BEATSPOT [YGLADIES] ;- Application // Coral Lee

 ______________________Application form______________________



Username; -  Kimjade


Character’s name; - Coral Lee  (Lee  San Ho 이산호)


Age; - 21


Ethnicity; - Korean American


Hometown; - Fairfax, ia




Personality; - Coral is a cool personality that let’s things just roll off her back, but she is bossy and prone to moments of temper if she is pushed too far. Usually under high duress, it takes a lot to make her blow her top, but when it does it’s like an erupting volcano. She becomes another person when she is angry, usually calm and very polite, Coral will become somewhat of a demon when her anger takes her over. She has a sharp tongue and can cut you down with words in little under 30 seconds, leaving you dumbfounded until she snaps back and smiles nicely and, with a tilt of her head, says “Okay?” and walks away calmly like nothing happened.
She has a mothering nature but she hates taking care of others and gets annoyed with them if they keep crying and complaining. She tries to get them to think about fixing their own problems first and help them overcome it themselves, but she will roll her eyes and sigh if you come to her crying and pouting.
She is a hard worker when it comes to things she loves and she puts her all into it.
She really doesn’t like losing but doesn’t let it affect her and she’ll just brush it off, maybe after a little tantrum, lol.


Family; -
Father: Mason Lee (Lee Hyuk Min) 52 Company supervisor
Mother: Violet Lee 51 Housewife
Sister: Jina Lee (Lee Jin Ju) 24 Designer in New York City


Background; - Corals Father met her Mother in Incheon during a spring break trip and they fell in love. He decided to go against his family to keep the woman he’d fallen in love with and they married. Once Violet became pregnant with their first child the family backed down and welcomed her into the family.

Coral was born in Incheon Korea, but when she was three her family was uprooted when her father’s company transferred him to the overseas branch in Fairfax ia. Coral grew up speaking two languages and learning two different cultures. She has the respectful nature her father instilled but the flair her mother taught her.
At the age of thirteen Coral was taking dance and music lessons due to her strong urge to be an entertainer. She auditioned for some American companies but either didn’t get accepted or she rejected the offer due to her own moralistic views. She wasn’t going to do something she wasn’t comfortable with just to sign a deal.

At fifteen her family, sans the eldest child who had already moved to New York, moved back to South Korea, this time to the Seoul branch of the company. After that Coral didn’t let go of her dream and auditioned for two other companies, JYP and YG. Yang Hyun Suk passed her and started her training.

Coral never quit school and graduated to go on to university. She also had a part-time job, before debut, at a restaurant. She studies as hard as she trains and has to be scolded for her tired expression some days.

Best Friends; -
Park Sandara (Dara) 2NE1
Park Sang Hyun (Thunder) MBLAQ

Lee Chang Sun (Joon) MBLAQ


Appearance; - 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5

Ulzzang’s name; - Jung Roo


Position; - Sub Vocal // Main Dancer


Trivia; -
- The purpling around her eyes makes her look ethereal instead of like a panda
- She can’t drink any soda, so she only drinks water
- She hates milk
- She has natural green eyes she got from her mother
- She takes really good care of her hair, more so than her skin
- She has a cat named Eonni as a joke to her sister  
- Her and her sister rarely speak to each other
- She is a big fan of IU Seonbae
- She loves to swim and play the piano
- She thinks Lee Joon is a dork but secretly has a crush on him
- She treats Mir like a little brother even though he was born before her which annoys him but she likes to torment Mir for some strange reason
- She hangs out with her Seonbaes and soaks up what she can learn from them as they talk
- She loves to dance
- She likes to speak to Joon in English and confuse him
- She has a mean streak in her when it comes to some guys usually the cute confused ones like Mir and Joonie
- She has been scolded by Rain Seonbae once for playing a joke with Mir on Seungho so now she is docile and shy in front of him and can barely lift her head to look at him
- She is scared of Yang sajang-nim even though he is pretty nice to all of them for the most part so she will scold the others before he has the chance to.

Persona; - English Governess


Stage name; - KoRa


Personal fan club; - Venus


Group’s fan club; - Pulse

 Song suggestions for your dance group: BoA - Eat you up; Hyuna - Change; Miss A - Touch; Infinite - The chaser



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