100 Facts About ThatGirlOverThere ~Stolen from, like, Everybody. XD~

I kind of wanted my fwends to know more about me, so here you go:

1. Name: Jazmine

2. Nickname: Jaz, Glitter, and Nikita

3. Birthdate: December 19th

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Primary school: ________ Middle School

6. Elementary school: St. __________ of _______

7. High school: _______ High School

8. Hair color: Black with a red tint

9. Long or short: Shoulder-Length

12. Phone or Laptop: Um... both? XD

13. Health Freak: Nope.

14. Orange or apple:  fruit, I'll take chocolate cake over those. But if I had to choose, Apples. ^^

15. Do you have a crush on someone: Yup.

16. Eat or Drink: Um, what kind of stupid question is that? You have to do both to survive, .

17. Piercings:  2 in each ear.

18. Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi, because I say no to drugs! XD


19. Been in an airplane: Yup.

20. Been in a relationship: Yup.

21. Been in a car accident: Thankfully, no.

22. Been in a fist fight: Um... yeah, I have.

23. First Piercing: My first ear hole when I was, like, two?

24. First Best Friend: Her name was Nicole. We hate each other now. *sigh*

25. First Award: Ballet trophy in preschool.

26 .First Crush: A boy named Ryan in first grade. He didn't like me until 7th grade, when I got contacts and actually became hot. Douchebag.

27. First word: Fork, but I couldn't pronounce "r"'s, so it sounded like "". XD

29. Last friend you talked to in person: My friends Emily and Rhea

30. Last friend you texted: My dongseang Vivian, and my bestie Greggy!

31. Last friend you watched a movie with: Um... Shawn? Yeah, Shawn.

32. Last food I ate: An egg salad sandwich. (My mom's egg salad is actually edible and kinda good, too.)

33. Last movie you watched: I don't remember. I went to the movies... what movie did I see... my memory fails me. >.<

34. Last song you listened to: The Ready Set's "Young Forever". (Not K-Pop?! SHUN! XD)

35. Last thing you bought: A dress from deLiA*s.

36. Last person you hugged: My friend Rhea.


37. Food: I like food in general. I have no favorites. ^^

38. Drinks: Coffee, coffee, and did I mention coffee?

39. Bottoms: Skinny Jeans and cutoffs, my momma forbids me to wear shorts so that I look as unattractive as possible (not possible XD) and don't get . XP

40. Flower: Jasmine, my namesake.

41. Animal: PANDAS FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!

42. Colors: It changes daily, today it's yellow.

43. Movie: Um... The Triplets of Belleville? Betcha don't know what the that movie is? It's a silent animated French movie that I saw when I was 4, and I LOVED it. Haven't watched it in forever, though.

44. Subjects: English (Mostly creative writing), and Spanish (Because I'm good at it).


45. Fallen in love with someone: Yes. Many times.

46. Celebrated Halloween: Umm.. duh?

47. Had your heart broken: Yes, unfortunately. It's the worst kind of pain.

48. Went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone: Yesh. *embarrasment*

49. Wanted to smack someone upside the head: YOU HAVE NO ING IDEA.

51. Eaten a whole standard sized pizza: God, no.

52. Tried to do something, but couldn't succeed: Yes, I'm a bit TOO stubborn.

53. Did something I regret: Of course. Hasn't everyone?

54. Broke a promise: Yes.

55. Hid a secret: Yes.

56. Pretended to be happy: Far to often.

57. Met someone who changed your life: Yes.

58. Pretended to be sick: Far too many times. XD

59. Left the country: Yup.

60. Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: Yup. ^^

61. Cried over the silliest thing: Yes. No that I think of it, a lot.

62. Ran 5 miles: Yes.

63. Went to the beach with your friends: No.

64. Got into an argument with your friends: Of course.

65. Hated someone: Hate is a strong word... YES. I have hated someone.

66. Stayed single: I'm going to, for a while now, after my last relationship.


67. Eating: Nope! ^_^

68. Drinking: COFFEE.

69. Listening to: "Lupin" by KARA and "Man Down" by Rihanna

70. Thinking about: Xavier... and my hair that I just dyed... and my class trip this week....

71. Plans for today: Get prettied up. ^^

72. Waiting for: The oppurtunity of a lifetime. I believe that everyone gets one.


73. Want kids: Yes. I want one child, but I'll be happy with how many ever I have. ^^

74. Want to get married: Yes. To my Mr. Right.

75. Careers in mind: Author... Fashion Designer (Not gonna' happen XD)... Singer/Actress?


76. Lips or eyes:
Eyes. But all lips are good for one use... smiling. *cough*And kissing*cough*.

77. Shorter or taller: Taller than me, por favor.

78. Romantic or spontaneous: Both.

79. Nice stomach or nice arms: Stomach. (Abs, please! ^^) I like squishy, soft arms that make you feel safe when you hug them.

81. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship. Hook-ups get you nowhere and never end well.


83. Lost glasses/contacts: Yup. XD

84. Snuck out of a house: I want to, haven't yet.

85. Held a gun/knife for self defense: Yup.

86. Kissed someone before: Yes.

87. Broke someone's heart: Ugh... unfortunately, yes. But I did it in the nicest way possible, because I wasn't giving him the relationship he deserved. TT^TT

88. Been in love: Yes.

89. Cried when someone died: Yes.


90. Yourself: At times, yes. At other times, no.

91. Miracles: Yes.

93. Heaven: Yes.

92. Love at first sight: I believe in it, but I believe that if it's going to happen to me, I'll really KNOW.

94. Santa Clause: Not really... nope. TT^TT


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now?Yes.

98. Do you know who your real friends are?: Yes.

99. Do you believe in God?: Yes. 

100. Would you change something in your life?: Of course, but it wouldn't make me the person I am today.



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BubblyMe #1
100. Would you change something in your life?: Of course, but it wouldn't make me the person I am today.<br />
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^ deep . LOL.