Pikachu! I tag you!


Since I'm sure almost all of you have seen this before I don't need to post the rules. Plus, the computer I'm on won't let me highlight andthing except I somehow managed to let me take the questions.... 

I was tagged by: My retarded friend who I specifically told not to tag me , nayeon--

OO! Look! I found a new mouse so here are the rules!

rule one | post the rules
rule two | answer the set of questions the tagger set for you in their post (it'll be at the bottom) and then after, make your own eleven questions
rule three | tag eleven people and link them to your post
rule four | let them know you tagged them!


1. What's your favourite drama?

Dream High!! 

2. Do you watch Shimmycocopuffsss?

I'm completely up to date with his main channel, shimmybits, and I'm watching the others :3 (I have no life...)

3. Do you play video games? If so, which do you play most frequently?

I play minecraft a lot and terraria because those are the only games my dinosaur can run.

4. What was the last tab that you closed?

AFF... I had five tabs of AFF open..

5. What was your first impression of me?

You were a stupid kid who was shorter than me.

6. Night or day?

Well the sun is like a level 100 Groudon. What do you think?

7. Favourite website?

AFF, Youtube, Tumblr, Twitter

8. What are you wearing right now?

Cheese pants. And my pajamas that say ho ho ho all over them....

9. Vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry icecream?

Strawberry bish. Just like Strawberry Shortcake!

10. Are you a ninja?


11. How many friends do you have?

In real life, 6. On AFF, 122.


My Questions for the victims at the bottom

1. How many hours do you spend on AFF a week? (On average)

2. How many friends do you have that you actually talk to?

3. What's you favourite video game?

4. How many different social networks are you signed up for?

5. What's your theme for google chrome?

6. How many siblings?

7. What do you want to be when you grow up?

8. Which entertainment do you think is the best for training?

9. What do you do on weekends?

10. Do you make graphics?

11. Favourite genre?


Yeah, so those are my crappy questions.....


Now, I tag:


- theHottestELF

- TheRandom

- SuperShawty

- mrbunnyhesayno

- sujudork602

- Cracker

- Wonder_Brothers

- luvUKISS

- _Mirotic

- iLoveU


Yeah, I tagged you. hehehehe~


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Rules? Ill have to do this when i get a computer. But i will
damn, I got tagged lol XDDD
does that mean I need to tag other people too?