I wish I could be ignorant just once.

Today was such a good day. There was a one hour delay because of rain... I barely did anything in my first two blocks... He asked me if i was going to the dance tonight, and when I said yes, he went to buy a ticket.

Yay, right?


Today was a good day. Not anymore.

While he and I were dancing, he chose to tell me why he never spoke to me.

"Hey, the reason why I haven't been talking to you a lot is because I'm kind of already involved with someone."

How the can you say that so casually to my face? It's your damn fault I'm in this mess! YOU kissed me! I could have gone the entire night without you kissing me and leading me on! For a week! For a week you left me wanting you more and more! For a week you left me looking like a ing idiot, trying to get your attention! And you chose to tell me this while I was actually really happy?

What the hell.

Instead of slapping him like I should have, I gave him an "I should have known" kind of look and just walked away, letting my fingers barely scrape out of his hand.

I wanted him to go after me. I wanted him to say more. I wanted him to tell me that the kiss wasn't for nothing, that I was something to him.

But I'm not.

I really was an in the moment girl for you, wasn't I?

My best friend and so many other people walked up to him and yelled at him for me. One, who warned me about him often, pulled me to the bathroom and had me cry while people that I was never even close to tried to comfort me.

I couldn't take it.

I stormed out of the bathroom, ready to slap him, but what do I see?

I see him grinding with the girl who threw the party where this all started.

I wanted to cry even more. I feel like an idiot. I feel so stupid. I feel like every negative emotion that I can possibly feel right now. I want it to all go away. I wish he could have told me this sooner. I wish I was stronger, strong enough not to cry.

But that's all I can do, isn't it? Cry?

Worst part is... after I told him to go away, he packed his stuff up and left.

I didn't even see him.


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stupid ed up bastard ! Guys like those makes me want to become a lesbian -.-
omo *huggles*<br />
<br />
i will come and beat him down with a