Song Quiz (Stolen from B2stNA who stole it from QuartzElixa)


Song You're Listening Right Now: The Chaser - Infinite (I don't think I've ever had a song play on repeat for this long... 5 days straight? Holy crap)

Song You hum without realizing :  Machine - EXO

Song You Cant help but dance to :  Come Back Again - Infinite

Song You Can't Help but shed a tear when listening to :  Only Tears - Infinite, Pieces Of You - Epik High, others...

Song that makes you wish you could play a guitar to rock out to :  CLIFF PARADE - NELL OH MY GOD.

Song That Makes You Act all Cute :  Beautiful Target - B1A4

Song that turns your bedroom into an instant karaoke lol : Basically any song on my "Doin' Stuff" playlist, which includes songs like Beautiful Target - B1A4, Come Back Again - Infinite, Freeze! - Block B, Electricity - 2PM, Machine - EXO, etceteraz


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