I Got Tagged ._.

E_magine, you . Now I have to do this XD ♥


Alright question time!

1. How would you feel if you saw your bias kiss your best friend?

My ultimate eh...well, out of the three. One of my best friends shares a mutual ultimate bias (Yunho), so if he kissed her, I would be elated for both of them XD If G-Dragon kissed another of my best friends, she'd probably pass out because we "have joint custody of him, so we share him on the weekends". XD If my ultimate ultimate bias kissed my remaining best friend...she'd die because she hates Zico XD ♥


2. Why are we friends?

Why are we friends? Well, it started in February of 2011 when you started a forum about "Project Cheer Up DBSK". It was/is such a noble idea, and I really admired you for your desire to make them smile again. I posted on the forum and we just completely hit it off...it's been over a year since then :) ♥


3. Fanfic genre you want to try?

I really don't know. I've basically experimented with every genre except XD Well...yeah, I've delved a teensie bit in the side. So I don't really have a specific genre I would like to try ^^


4. A title for me?

Best friend? :)


5. Favourite male OTP (bromance or not it doesn't matter)

That's a tough one, honestly...JongKey? They really do have this chemistry that I can't explain when I see it


6. Bias/es that you ship with more than one guy/girl

Me and Zico...me and Zico...LOLOLJK. I basically ship any idol with more than one other person, because they have free reign over who they love. I really don't care who they date ^^ The only people I don't ship with more than one person are those in relationships...IE JunHara, Tiger JK and Tasha, Outsider, Shindong...ya know ._. lolol


7. What would you give your bias (materialistically speaking) for Christmas? (money is not a problem)

Materialistically speaking? Uhm...tickets to meet Drake backstage...? Whatever he wanted, honestly ^^

8. Would you marry your bias and why?

All kidding aside, I would only marry my ultimate bias if I truly fell for his personality upon meeting him...and vice versa. However, the way I see it right now, I do love him very dearly and love his personality...so I don't see why I wouldn't marry the lovely Woo Jiho ;D It'd be a shame to disappoint all my shippers~ ♥ (I obviously WOULD marry him lol. So no worries)

9. An author on here who you admire and why

I really admire all the authors on here. It takes a lot of balls to write anything for the public to see. Writing is an art, and not everyone appreciates art, so I do admire anyone who does appreciate others' writings.

10. Most awkard thing you've said?

I think it was probably a tweet to Dumbfounded. He said something about himself being a turnoff to women and I blatantly disagreed by saying it was a turnon. Oops lol. Oh well, we'll both survive XD Everything I say is awkward, I'm not surprised with myself any.

11. One word to describe me >_< 

Uh...uhm...dah...IDK!! To much comes to mind. "Lovely" was only the first thing I came up with ^^;

So MY 11 people to complete this challenge >:3







E_Magine again...haha





Your questions to answer!

1. If you could pick your absolute favorite thing about your ultimate bias, what would it be and why?

2. Who would your idol best friend be and why?

3. How did we meet?

4. Is there an idol that you truly dislike (or was there one you disliked)? Why?

5. If you could only say 5 words to your ultimate, what would they be?

6. How did you first discover kpop?

7. Are there any couplings you ship? If so, then who?

8. What is your life dream?

9. Would you like to watch Ge2TT's silly videos on youtube? And their covers? :D If you would like to...could you? XD ♥

10. Name your five absolute favorite men/women of kpop

11. Do you feel that you're in love with any idols? What makes you feel the way you do?

...That is all XD


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xinli_ang #1
Your best friends are epic! :D Wow, you like Yunho, too? :D
AbriMathos #2
^_________^ You tagged me too~!! I will have this done later on tonight or by tomorrow afternoon at the latest~
I'm doing this again?! XD I'm kidding haha sure.. And afjhjsahgljkadhgkjdafshgjxdghdafklglkdf *smashes keyboard to smitherins*